Friday, September 29, 2017


Young Bucks:

After receiving a cease and desist letter from WWE Young Bucks are auctioning off their ring attire with the too sweet gesture. They will donate the monies raised to charity. They aren't rolling over to WWE though, here is their newest shirt (Photo).

Marty responds:

Marty Jannetty says he is taking legal action against media outlets for attacking him over yesterdays story about he and his daughter. The post suggesting he wanted to start a sexual relationship with her was, he says, made by a hacker six weeks ago, and that he had not made comment until now because the situation was in the hands of his lawyer. He went on to say he did not know why internet sites and mainstream media had picked up the story now, but is not happy that they have...

''BREAKING NEWS FOR ALL MEDIA!!! NO SEX WITH DAUGHTERS!!! (I put that 2nd line in to grab your attention as you need to see whats going on with this) : I will be limiting what I say here due to attorney's advice & lawsuits in progress. Several major newspapers in major cities in America(and countries, Canada, Australia & the UK, so far) have recently written articles on me about my daughter, suggesting we wanted to have sex together. Well please share this and write an article about this(as I know you won't because it's not something negative on me) ITS FAKE NEWS!! My site was hacked or it came from a fake account, which Im constantly having Facebook remove them. (Had been hacked 7 times b4 since on FB) All the newspapers other than the NY Post(I think thats the one)(its definitely a top NY paper though) have written the article AS FACT. The NY Post did say at the end of the article that they didnt know if the story was true or hacked. BUT, they wrote it anyway. This morning I found a big piece of evidence where this came from. I always tell my people on Facebook about losing my phones which happens a lot(Dude, where's my phone) Well heres how I know a recent one was stolen and not lost. I got up this morning and saw my phone had 8 FB messages that came in from 4:30am when I went to bed and 8:30am when I woke up. I checked into them and they were all people asking why I looked so sad. There was a pic sent to many people in my FB messenger of me>>looking horrible!!! IT TOLD ON THE CULPRIT! The picture is of me close up and wearing my reading glasses and looking tired as can be(which I was) BUT, that pic came while I was setting up Skype and didnt mean to take a selfie, evidently I touched a wrong place. But I saved that pic to THAT PHONE to occasionally look and remind myself Im getting real old. Point being, it was saved to that STOLEN phone. Not FB, not my laptop, tablet or computer. JUST THAT PHONE. AndI always leave my FB open on my phone so that person was able to go all through my FB account. That person must hate me. Why else would they do that crap to me? My biggest disappointment is no one(that saw it) caught on that it was obviously fake and at least ASKED me about it rather than take it as true. EXCEPT, for a few on my fan page. Thats how I originally found out about it. Its a 6 weeks old thing that I was keeping quiet about so as not to harm the investigation. BUT recently,for some odd reason, newspapers are suddenly reporting on it.(we know why) But NOW you all know the REAL on this. Sorry Bianca AND Wendy that y'all are getting dragged into my messes. I love yall, this will be fixed!!''

Neville blasts WWE:

Neville has told his fans not to buy the ''Atrocity'' of a shirt WWE have released for him.

Shelty responds to Uso's story:

Shelton Benjamin has shared his side of Uso's hazing story about him and Charlie Haas...

"Before shows, me and Charlie would get in the ring with extras and work out, and do all these things in the ring because that's what I was programmed to do. I figured I was strong enough. I lifted Big Show once and I'm like, 'if I can lift him, I'm good.' The misconception when they say their first week on the road, the misconception when most people hear that is that their first week on the road as WWE Superstars and the truth is, they're referring to when they first got on the road, their uncle, Umaga, brought them to Houston and we worked out with them. This was long before The Usos even had a tryout. That's how long that was going on. Most people think it was after they had their first tryout. No, this is before they were even signed. So yeah, they were pretty easy to intimidate them because they had no clue what they were getting into, especially with Charlie!"

Nikki Bella:

John Cena will support Nikki Bella at next weeks 'Dancing With The Stars.'

Lawsuit stops play:

Lawsuits by Buff Bagwell and Raven are delaying the additions of WCW Thunder and Sunday Night Heat to the WWE Network. They are suing for royalties.

Impact exodus:

A round of talent cuts from Impact is expected within the next few weeks. Robbie E was the first cut today.

Cole staying home:

Michael Cole will miss Raw next week. Tom Phillips will sit in. He is attending his son's wedding. WWE say it is only the second time in 20 years that ''The voice of WWE'' has missed a week of TV's.

Triple H:

Triple H is booked to compete at a live in Portugal on the next Euro tour.

Orton jealous of KO:

After admitting he is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain his physique, as he gets older, he said of Kevin Owens...

"I guess Kevin Owens has it figured out. He started fat and he'll finish fat. He's trying to get himself over as the fat guy that can fight. Bless his heart, that's great. I'm jealous."

He also admits to being sick of being a face...

"I love it and I'm gonna use that, hopefully sooner than later when I turn heel again because I'm sick of this babyface thing, that's for sure."

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