Saturday, September 23, 2017

Today's News

Flair opens up:

Ric Flair has revealed the level of alcohol abuse he inflicted upon his body...

"I've done all my math, I was drinking between 3,700 and 4,000 calories worth of booze — soda, splash of cranberry — in my body every day. Like 20 drinks a day."

New champs:

Kenny King took the ROH TV gold at their big special last night. Motor City Machine Guns also secured tag gold at the show.

WWE feature Alum:

WWE have ran a feature on JBL's work with disadvantaged kids in Bermuda. JBL recently left WWE to concentrate on his charitable work.


MNM teamed for the first time in 10 years last night.

AAA support:

AAA are hosting a charity show to raise funds for victims of a recent earthquake in Mexico.

FloSlam black out:

FloSlam are refusing to air WWN promotions, including tonight's Evolve show, due to their legal dispute.


Jeff Hardy has a significant shoulder injury, and may need surgery.

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