Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Today's News

New champs:

New Day are blue Tag title owners again. They beat Uso's last night.


Kairi Sane won the first Mae Young classic last night. As her reward she wins a shot at the NXT Women's title and has been added to the WWE NXT roster. A new action figure of Mae Young was unveiled at the event and Kharma was a guest, with the cast of her show 'GLOW.'


NXT have delayed their next tapings due to the Florida hurricane.

GFW network:

The GFW network was accidentally made live for a brief period yesterday, before being taken down again. The price will be $5.99.

Corbin screwed Corbin:

Baron Corbin talked his way out of his MITB case and main event push. A recent argument with the WWE doctor over concussion awareness led to him revealing he was involved in a concussion lawsuit against NFL, a very similar lawsuit to one WWE are preparing to fight against their former talent. WWE were not, until the spat with the doc, aware of Corbin's involvement in the writ, and safe to say were not impressed to find it out.

Book dropped:

Stephanie McMahon has conceded her book is on hiatus. She says she has too many stories she wants to tell, and not enough time to tell them.

ROH invasion:

The ROH NXT invasion group are to be called the Undisputed Era.

Bram banned:

After an Irish promotion cancelled a booking by Bram following fan complaints over his past, the GFW star has come out defiantly...

"Seeing as certain fans feel like campaigning against my ability to make a living, I feel I have no choice but to set the record straight. I was falsely accused of, and charged with, domestic violence. All charges were dropped after it became clear that it was a deliberately false accusation for the sole purpose of adversely affecting my career and my profile. It worked. The media, of course, only ran the arrest and the accusation, and not the subsequent dropped charges. As such, I have a tainted reputation. I was given the option to press charges myself, which I declined, preferring to simply move on and put it behind me. I am not perfect, but I have absolutely never been violent towards a woman. If I am guilty of anything, it's making poor choices of the company I kept in the past."

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