Sunday, September 3, 2017

Today's News


Chris Jericho says Ronda Rousey and Conor McGregor will both end up in WWE...

"Will Conor McGregor end up in the WWE? I think it's a no-brainer. It might not be this year or the year after that because there's a lot of money that you got to spend to get him in there. But a guy that yappy, who knows the concept of cutting a wrestling promo... I think Conor will definitely end up there, it's just a matter of when he wants to. I also think Ronda Rousey will eventually end up there, one way or another as well."

Hornswoggle recalls high and low of WWE:


"We get to have fun. In reality, I get to sell merchandise and talk to people and not go to the venue, go to the bus, go to the airport, and go to the hotel bar. Kofi and I, one time, it was about a year ago, actually, we went to the Sydney Zoo. We had like a day where we flew in, we didn't sleep or anything, instead we actually saw and did things. And that's actually the only time you can do stuff is if you didn't gym or sleep and I didn't ever gym, obviously. I didn't do a lot of things, so I'd go and see the town and that and Kofi and I would randomly pick a day on the tour and walk.''


"Before Torito, it was never matches-matches. It would be me and Fit versus Tyson Kidd and Natalya or me and Fit against Hawkins and Ryder. Oh, Fit and I, sorry. English. Chavo, I worked with a lot at house shows or Masters. But once Torito came around, it was awesome. That was the most fun I ever had. For easily my entire WWE career, that was the most fun I had. Thank you. Wee-LC was the best thing I ever did, that by far tops it for me."

Hulk Hogan recalls proudest moment:

"When I won the WWF Heavyweight Title in Madison Square Garden, January 23, 1984 from the Iron Sheik. But there's a backstory to it, we go back many years when I was going to the University of South Florida, majoring in finance and management with a minor in music. After a bunch of years of going to college and quitting to play music several times, I finally quit for good to be a professional wrestler. It just killed both my parents, it ruined their hopes and dreams for me. So there was a very strained relationship for quite a long time with me and my Mom and Dad. Then, at Madison Square Garden where I beat the Iron Sheik, I had both my parents in the audience, sitting next to Vince McMahon's wife, Linda McMahon. When I came back with the belt - Andre was pouring champagne on my head - my Dad and Mom came to the dressing room. They both said how proud they were of me and they were very happy that I made that decision to be a wrestler."

Renee to replace JBL:

A fan campaign has sprung up to get Renee Young JBL's job on SmackDown's announce desk.

Million Dollar movie:

Ted DiBiase Jr's film on the life and career of his dad is finished. Here is a teaser...


Team WWE UK, Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate and Trent Seven won the Chikara king of the trios in the UK this weekend.

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