Sunday, September 10, 2017

Today's News

Sami Zayn:

Sami Zayn has launched an Instagram account from Iceland.

AJ invades:

AJ Styles ''Invaded'' an NWA event over the weekend.

Inter-promotional nuptials:

MYC star Renee Michelle is engaged to GFW's Rockstar Spud.

Jinder misses gig:

Jinder Mahal did not attend UFC this weekend as planned. The storm in Florida caused him travel issues getting to the show.

Piper risked life:

A WCW producer has recalled Roddy Piper putting his life on the line to cut a promo...

"Piper was fired up about his match with Hollywood Hogan. He's so fired up in fact, that he gets on to the front of the ship and hangs on to the mast. He's saying 'Hogan, I'm comin' to get you! It's just a matter of hours until we see each other face-to-face in the ring!' We videotaped that part, and then he looks at us and goes, 'Neal, I don't know, I didn't like it'. At that time, the captain of the ship comes up [and goes], 'what in the hell are you doin', hangin' off that mast? That mast could have easily broken off! Don't you know how old these ships are? If you would have fallen down in that water, it's about 60 degrees. You wouldn't last but a couple minutes!' Now if you're standing there - on Alcatraz - and you're looking at the water, it is rushing away from San Francisco towards the golden gate bridge...where all the sharks are waiting for you. I can see why about nobody escaped from Alcatraz. Piper goes, 'Neal, I really think we need to do that again'. So I had to go knock on the captain's door, and say 'captain, can you come out here a second?' I said, 'ok Piper, here's the situation. You're saying that you wanna do another take. The captain has just told us that if you fall overboard, and you go into that water, you could die in a matter of minutes. There's no turning this boat around very easily to get you back. You're willing to take that risk to get a better take?' We pointed the camera at Piper and he said, 'yep, I am'. The captain just looked at us like, 'you guys are nuts'."

Reigns religious rant:

Roman Reigns has had a spat with an atheist Twitter user after offering prayers to Americans in the path of the storm rolling into Florida. The user asked why the ''Idiot'' god made the storm in the first place, which angered Roman. He replied...

''Faithless fool. When your time on earth is done, enjoy nothing. ''

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