Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Nattie reveals epic travel day:

Natalya has revealed the SmackDown crew had to travel for 36 hours to get from South America to Raw in time for the big Survivor Series angle this week.

Alum reveals what forced him to quit WWE:

Justin Gabriel has blamed Total Diva's for him walking away from WWE. He said he was in the early days of a relationship with JoJo when the show started, and was asked to be a part of the show, to follow what happened. He then found out that JoJo was just 18, he was the wrong side of 30, and decided not to go ahead with the dating. TD weren't happy. They had the pair tape a number of staged dates together, before a break up episode, which, he said, was scripted to make him look like an a$$hole who had taken advantage of an immature girl. He said he gritted his teeth, growing angrier with every thing the show asked him to do, and once the break up was taped he took the chance to get out of his WWE career.

Survivor Series:

Randy Orton and Becky Lynch have won the captaincies of the blue teams for Survivor Series. Charlotte Flair and Naomi have taken the last spots of team blue for women.


Shawn Michaels will be at War Games. He has challenged Johnny Gargano to a battle of the bodies.

Goldust reveals HOF'er tried to kill his gimmick:

Goldust says Razor Ramon tried to kill the character in it's early days...

''Razor wasn't keen on it, man, and he fought it. I'm just trying to get a character over and do what's best for the company, best for business, best for me, and I'm young, so I'm not in other people's point of view sometimes. And even though this business is a work, people take it too seriously. For me, it's probably when I had the most passion for the business and where I did not let the little things get to me, and not care so much about what they're thinking of me, man, just go out there and do what I can do to perform and put on a great performance, whatever. And to have him kind of, to have Razor be kind of a speed bump, it was frustrating, but we got through it and it ended with a Roddy Piper special because Razor left."

WWE support:

Charlotte painted one finger nail purple for last nights TV taping. She is supporting domestic violence awareness.

Alum talks herself out of WWE return?:

Kaitlyn has revealed she has been battling addiction to drink and prescription pain killers. She is now getting help. WWE were interested in bringing her back, no word on how this news may affect that.

Impact on life support:

Jeff Jarrett says he got off the Impact ship before it sinks, because parent company Anthem are out of money. Impact, of course, deny that.

Rock blamed:

An online dirt sheet claim Rock advised Nia Jax to walk out of her WWE career earlier this month. She has though hinted at being on team red for Survivor Series via Twitter today.

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