Wednesday, October 4, 2017


New stars:

Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly and Lars Sullivan have been added to the NXT roster.

WWE in ads:

Big Show has starred in an ad for Tide and Kurt Angle for KFC.

Triple H talks anthem protests:

Hunter has discussed political protests in the States, where sports stars have refused to stand for the American national anthem before competing...

"I speak for myself, personally only, and if it was me I would stand for my national anthem. For my country I would stand. But I and WWE certainly respect the rights of everybody's first amendment right of freedom of speech, their right to peacefully protest and do what is meaningful to them. Certainly we support that. I question whether there would be a better way to do that, that maybe wouldn't offend others or something else. Surely we respect that line."

WWE tributes:

WWE awarded another 3 pink Women's titles to breast cancer survivors on SmackDown last night. They also performed a moment of silence for victims of the Las Vegas terror attack. Natalya later surprised Dana Warrior with a replica of her own, leaving her speechless and very emotional.

Sister Abigail HUGE SPOILER!!!:

Sister Abigail is coming to WWE, but a creative leak has revealed that there will not be a female star playing the part. Bray Wyatt himself will be revealed as his sister in a match vs Finn Balor, scheduled for TLC.

Hell In A Cell:

Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable vs Hype Bros will be the kick off for this Sunday.

HHH excited:

Triple H says he is excited to have conversations with Ronda Rousey...

"Ronda has made no secret her whole career that she has been a huge fan of WWE growing up. She has been on record saying WWE is probably some of the most fun that she has ever had in her entire career. I have been out there publicly saying that if she wants the opportunity I am happy to give it to her. She is looking for the opportunity so it seems like a perfect match-up. I am excited to have the conversation with her and see where it goes."

Impact release:

Eddie Kingston is the latest release by Impact. More are expected.

Burn baby, burn:

The Young Bucks have burned all of their merch with the too sweet gesture, after legal action by WWE.


Maryse has cut her trademark long hair. She is not expected back on TV until she gives birth to her first child.

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