Thursday, October 12, 2017


New star:

NXT have added Zelina Vega to their official roster. She was formerly known as Thea Trinidad in TNA and had received mainstream media attention in the past when she revealed her wrestling mad father was a victim of the 9/11 terror attack in New York in 2001.

Barrett wants return:

Wade Barrett says he is 99% sure he will wrestle again...

"I have my good days and bad days. There's days where I think I don't miss it all and then there's days like yesterday at WCPW where you see the kind of reactions the guys were getting and get that desire to get back in the ring. I'm 99 percent certain I will wrestle again at some point, I just couldn't tell you when. I have those days where I'm like 'No, everything hurts, I don't ever wanna get back in a wrestling ring again' - but I have days where I feel great and can't wait to get back in. I know at some point I'll be wanting to get back in, so if the right opportunity comes along we'll get it done."

He also shared his reasons for leaving WWE...

"I didn't really ask to be released. My contract was coming to an end, I'd been there just over nine years at that point - I was not happy with the way my creative had gone and not happy with some stuff behind the scenes, and the way I'd been treated by certain people there, so in my opinion it was time to move on and do something else, at least for a while. I'd been offered a new contract by them, I didn't want to sign; I told them, I was upfront with them. I don't think they were thrilled about it but there's not a lot you can do - I felt that I was wasting my time there. There's a lot of guys who are not happy with their lot there, I wasn't happy with my lot there for several years but always believed I was capable of getting to the next level through my work or through my performances, and my ability to get over. It got to the point where I didn't believe I was getting the opportunities to get to the level that I wanted to and I think once I'd seen the writing on the wall from that perspective, it was a very easy decision for me to leave and I'm guessing it was the same for guys like Ryback, guys like Del Rio, guys like Cody, who perhaps, like me, decided it was best to move on too."

Invasion costs WWE writer his job:

Jimmy Jacobs shared a photo with the Bulllet Club during their invasion of Raw recently. WWE were less than impressed with his crossing of the line and have released the former indie star from their creative team.

The Miz:

The Miz will host a celebrity reality game show on MTV. WWE Alum Cameron has been named as one of the competitors.

Brock blocked:

WWE will not allow Brock Lesnar to return to UFC whilst he remains in their employ. This according to Dana White who says plans to use Brock Lesnar have been shelved until August of 2018 at the earliest. That is 90 days after the end of his current WWE deal after next years Mania.

Possibly in retaliation, Dana also poured ice water on rumours of Conor McGregor working next years Mania. He said it is ''Absolutely not true'' that talks were ongoing. 

Neville denial:

WWE have denied that Neville has quit the company. Friends of the Geordie contradict that. They say he is 100% done, and have revealed why he left. He was asked to job to Enzo Amore on Raw this week. He didn't wanna do that.

Gimmick infringement:

Big E has jokingly accused cereal maker Kelloggs of copying the booty o's cereal with a new brand they have released called unicorn loops.

Bucks to WWE:

In a slightly awkward twist to the WWE vs Young Bucks feud their game makers 2K have approached the brothers to do motion capture work on next years game.

Old girl at PC:

Serena Deeb is coaching at the WWE PC this week.

Backstage row:

Mick Foley has revealed a disagreement he had with Shane McMahon over a top star...

"Kevin Owens, he was the biggest jerk in the locker room and Shane had told me in conversations that he wouldn't draft him if he was the last person on the roster. So, instead of dismissing those guys like they were garbage, I kind of challenge them to be as good as I knew they could be.''

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