Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Survivor Series challenge:

Jinder Mahal has called Brock Lesnar out for Survivor Series. He wants to prove he is the best champion in WWE by beating him. Brock will respond on Raw next week.

Double walkout:

During the furore of Neville's WWE walkout last week another backstage issue went unreported. Nia Jax also left the arena. It has now gone public, but is, at this stage, being reported as a personal issue that WWE have granted her time away from the road to deal with. Alicia Fox has taken over her feud with Sasha Banks, and TD have been informed she will not be available to film in NYC this week.

The Meltzer has hinted there is more to it, and that she and Neville aren't the only ones looking at the door. He says he knows several names that are seeking advice from stars that have already gone, before making the jump.

SD swap:

Michael Cole will be calling SmackDown for the next few weeks. WWE say Tom Phillips will be on an assignment, but are not revealing what that is.

US title:

Sin Cara will be having a run with Baron Corbin over the US title soon.

Bret WWE offer:

Bret Hart says he offered to come back to WWE as a writer after their difficult 2012...

"I hesitated on that for a long time; it was about four years ago I went up to them and threw the ball at them, made that pitch that I would give them ideas and help with the writing of the shows, creation of the matches and how storylines would go and so forth. I think I would be really good for them, but I sort of made the offer, but the way it was thrown back at me was about the schedule; I was letting them know that I didn't want to be on the road everyday but that I could fly in for TV, and I think I left with letting them know that I can fly in for TV and never heard from them. Vince and Triple H thanked me for the offer and we left it at that. It could be figured, and worked out. It's not impossible. I can go anywhere. Sometimes a change of scenery might be fun, but I'm also very happy where I am at. I have a beautiful house, and life, but you know, working on Monday Night Raw might sound good for me, but realistically maybe they need more; they look at their agents: Mike Rotunda, Arn Anderson, whoever they are, they're on the road all the time with all that consistency and commitment, and I don't really have that which is why I most likely haven't gotten a call. I want to be a helper but don't want to give my life away for it."

Scott Hall says Triple H is the right man for the job:

The future of WWE, after Vince McMahon, has long been a talking point, especially with the expected power struggle between the McMahon siblings, now that Shane is back. Scott Hall though believes Triple H should be the next figurehead of WWE...

"Don't get me wrong, I respect Paul, I respect Triple H, and he has done some things. He's the right guy for the job. He doesn't sleep. He's just like Vince. He's a cyborg. But when I first met him, he used to carry my bag. He was kind of nobody and I was kind of a big deal. And I used to mess with him, like, do you know how you can walk behind somebody and walk right in their footsteps? Like, he would come in to TV and I was just doing it to him and he's turning around like, 'whoa.' So I said, 'I guess you've heard all the rumors about all the gay stuff here, right?' And he went, 'yeah.' I said, 'it's all true!' And the coolest thing about having him around was he was skilled. And I'm looking at him going, 'well, here's this rich boy from the country club and Razor's gimmick is from the streets.' I'm thinking, 'oh, and he can go? Man, I'd love to work with him.' And because he never drank or did a drug, still doesn't, sometimes we'd pressure him to 'drink it!' and he would drink, like, one shot of Jack Daniels. But it was perfect for guys like me, and Shawn, and Kid, and Kev because we were drinking and taking prescription drugs only. I can prove it, doctor. But we're partying and going hard and we'd just get in the van and go, 'drive, monkey!' And we'd sit in the back and drink beer and he was totally straight, didn't do a drug."

Angry champ:

Kalisto has attacked airline Delta for destroying his suitcase during a recent flight.

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