Monday, October 30, 2017


Lashley calls out Lesnar:

Bobby Lashley says enough talk, it is time he and Brock Lesnar got in the ring or the cage and determined who is the better man.

Nothing to achieve:

AJ Lee says she has met all of her wrestling goals, and has no reason to come back...

"For me, there were so many moments in my life where it was just about getting signed, just about getting a job that I could help support my family, and then it happened. Then, I was like, 'oh, then I have to make new goals.' And I literally wrote a list and I was like, 'okay, here are all the things I need to accomplish in wrestling. This'll take me a decade, but this needs to happen or I'll never leave.' And then, I did them all in three years, a lot of them within the first year, and you're kind of left in this place where I think people like struggling in a weird way, people are a little masochistic, and they want something to be angry about or fighting for. When you're content, that's a strange feeling and so you have to say, 'what is the next goal? What is the next big thing that I need to accomplish while I'm still healthy, and young, and still have opportunities?'"

Raw tease:

  • How will Raw respond to #UnderSiege?
  • Who will join the Raw Men and Women's Traditional Survivor Series Teams?
  • Will the current Raw titleholders still be in place for their Champion vs. Champion Matches at Survivor Series?
  • Will Elias still be singing a new tune?
  • Who will be next to dare to step up to Kane?

Raw party:

Details of the 25th anniversary episode of Raw are starting to emerge. The show will be held in two venues, Barclays Center and the Manhattan Center, which was the home venue for the show in it's early days. The guest list has also started to take shape. The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash have been confirmed so far, more legends will follow.

WWE illness:

Bray Wyatt is backstage at Raw after being cleared from his viral illness, Roman Reigns is not, He has been pulled from this week and the Euro tour as he is still poorly.


Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe are backstage at Raw, as is Nia Jax. WWE are saying she has been dealing with a niggle in her back, to cover her time away.

Warrior attacked:

A media outlet have done a expose of the late Ultimate Warrior. They accuse him of being racist, homophobic and mocking cancer victims, which they say flies in the face of how WWE represent him on TV with the ''Unleash Your Warrior'' campaign and the annual Warrior Award. They were particularly angered by his comments on the recently deceased Bobby Heenan when he first became ill...

"As for you, Booby Heenan, it's just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are and have always been, what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death's bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold."

Both WWE and his wife Dana have defended him against the report...


"WWE's 'Unleash Your Warrior' breast cancer awareness campaign and annual 'Warrior Award' recognize individuals that exhibit the strength and courage of WWE's legendary character The Ultimate Warrior. Any attempt to distract from the mission of these initiatives and take the spotlight away from the honorees is unfortunately misguided."

His wife added that the birth of his daughters allowed him to let go all of the anger he held toward the business, which he proved when he accepted HOF induction, and he was not that person when she knew him...

"I will not be disloyal to my husband's memory or speak ill of a man who is not here to defend himself. I can, however, tell you his heart was changed by conversations with his two daughters. The true testament of the man behind the character is his ability to evolve. My husband did just that."

Austin talks Neville walk out:

"Well, my situation when I walked out, I wasn't on board with the direction creative wanted to go. I was working my ass off and I just was not happy with that decision. So, I could have made a better decision with how I handled it. Just walking away like I did was a bad idea. I don't know specifically what Neville's business deal is or what his contract is or the circumstances under which he left. I know that any time you walk away from something and you don't have that meeting or that one-on-one time with Vince or Paul or whoever it may be, but that's the most prudent decision to make. By the same token, I can respect the guy that has enough balls to walk away just because he had a gut feeling like I did. I just wish him all the best in the world. In my opinion, he is an outstanding talent, he was really coming around with his gimmick and character, and he was a guy that I really liked watching. I'm sure a lot of people in the WWE Universe fell the same way. Hopefully he gets past this and whether he goes back to WWE or goes somewhere else, I hope he continues to have a successful career and have fun. At the end of the day, pro-wrestling, to be able to get paid to do that, it's a fun job but it is a business and you need to get paid accordingly. I want the kid to have a great career, make his money and go on to the next phase of his life when it's time to do that."

Mania on sale:

WWE have released travel packages for next years WrestleMania for sale today.

Impact movie:

Jesse Godderz has landed a role in a new movie.

WWE cowards:

Eric Bischoff says WWE are being cowardly in their handling of Roman Reigns...

"You have to make a choice and you have to commit to a character. You're either a babyface or a character that the fans relate to, support, love and aspire to be, or you're not. And if you're not, you're heel, you're despicable and they need to learn to love to hate you. And I think when you take that safe road in-between and let the fans decide…to me, it's a cop-out. To me, that's kind of like raising your hands and saying, 'look, I've got ideas. I really don't have a plan, so let's just put him out there and let the fans choose.' I think that's just the most cowardly creative cop-out that I've ever heard."

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