Sunday, October 29, 2017


Seth pops for Sasha:

"My relationship with Sasha Banks is that she's a good friend. Hell of an athlete, and one of the best women's wrestlers of all-time. Best wrestlers of all-time, really. Don't even have to put 'woman' in front of it."

WWE on tour:

William Regal is in Brazil scouting for WWE.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle has commissioned new wrestling gear.

Ric Flair talks fight for life:

"I had ten days of life support, brother, that would wake anybody up. I'm just lucky I'm here, I just kind of take each day, I don't take anything for granted anymore. They gave me a 20 percent chance of living and somehow I made it through it. When I got out I only weighed 206 pounds, I lost 43 pounds. I couldn't walk, I couldn't even twist the top off a Gatorade bottle. I could stand on my legs, but I couldn't walk, so I had to go to a rehab place for 20 days of physical rehab where they make you walk with a walker and then a cane and then you learn to walk by yourself," he said. "That took a while, and then I couldn't drive a car. I ate anything in the world, but couldn't gain any weight because all the food I was consuming was going towards repairing internal tissue that was ruined because when I went into the hospital my kidneys failed, I had respiratory heart failure and I had pneumonia all at the same time. Brother, I don't drink anymore... The doctor told me if I ever had a drink again, I wouldn't make it through another operation like that."


Dalton Castle has won the soaring eagle cup.

Talent clearout:

WWE have cut some talent today. Summer Rae, who has been injured for over a year, and even after being cleared in May has shown no signs of being brought back in, the injury prone Darren Young, who was at the PC recovering from his latest period on the bench, and most surprisingly Emma. Just last week the Australian worked a PPV match against the debuting Asuka, which led into a TV rematch on Raw this week. No word on why WWE suddenly cut her loose, but she says she is heartbroken.

Heat on NXT new boy:

Lio Rush has pissed off the entire WWE locker room with a tweet seemingly mocking the release of Emma from her WWE deal. He has since apologised and claims his tweet was take out of context and blown out of proportion, but not before taking a very public schooling on social media from his colleagues, including Bray Wyatt, who told him he won't last long in WWE

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