Sunday, October 22, 2017


Nash pops for WWE team:

"It doesn't feel like their skits are written by anybody. To me, WWE's product seems to be overwritten and overproduced, but not Breezango; they seem to have a lot more free reign."

Heel turn:

A former WWE writer says Vince McMahon killed a planned heel turn for John Cena because of a marketing deal with K-Mart. Sheamus got the push instead.


Tonight Raw will host TLC. A much changed line up, due to illness sweeping some top names off the table, shook the plans for the event, but Kurt Angle's return and a first match under the WWE umbrella for Finn Balor and AJ Styles, as well as Asuka's main roster debut, should, WWE hope, save the event.


Triple H worked face in Chile last night, even dancing with the New Day, until he got bored and pedigreed one of them.

**Walking Dead**

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