Wednesday, October 11, 2017



Shelton & Gable have earned a shot at the blue Tag gold.

Former champ quits WWE:

A planned title match for last nights Raw was changed at the last minute. Kalisto replaced Neville to challenge Enzo Amore. The reason for the change is starting to become clear. Neville reportedly quit WWE very shortly before the broadcast and walked out of the arena. This is not yet confirmed by him, or them and no reason for his decision to do so is in the public domain as yet.


Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are back together, and will now be called the Bludgeon Brothers.


WWE say Tozawa has swollen his throat and suffered bruising to his vocal chords. The injury is kayfabe.

Ryback talks guns in America:

Ryback has discussed what he feels America needs to do to prevent more gun slaughters...

"As far as gun control goes, it's gonna take a lot more time. There's gonna have to be metal detectors, I think, at places like gyms, movie theaters. A lot of the big events in Vegas, and I've gone to a few of them myself, have detectors. I went to Chappelle's show a few weeks ago and we had to wait in a long line to get in and go through the metal detectors. It took a lot longer to get in, and the show started later than it was supposed to start, but everyone was alright and everyone had a great time."

WWE cancel releases:

WWE have withdrawn blu ray versions of the rest of 2017's home video releases.


Jerry Lawler and SoCal Val have joined the cast list for Chris Jericho's rock 'n' wrestling cruise.

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia will sing the US anthem at an NFL game in New York this weekend.


Goldberg impressed makers of 'The Goldbergs' so much with his comic timing that he has earned a recurring role on the show going forward.

Bret reveals star he still hates:

"I don't have a good thing to say about Eric Bischoff or anything he ever did. Talk about the Midas touch, he was the opposite. He would kill your career; he was too stupid to know what a career was. It's like, if you had passion for your matches and a genius for wrestling talent, it didn't mean anything to Eric Bischoff, he was the worst loser, maggot - he was a nice enough guy, but he was just the worst. I felt so bad, because I went to WCW because I really wanted to make a difference. If you look at WCW and all the names that they had, and all the wrestlers, they had everything, all they needed was to have someone who knew what they were doing; someone with half a brain. I heard his quote, which is why I get hostile towards Eric Bischoff talking about how when i came to WCW I was like a broken toy, or that I didn't have the fire. I could strangle him when I hear him say that because that is so not true. I was on fire; I wanted to take the world on; I wanted to take that whole company and kick Vince McMahon in the teeth. I wanted to put on the best matches. Give me Chris Benoit, give me Booker T, give me Sting, Hogan, and we can really get this thing rocking here, but he was such an idiot - I would tell him that if he was sitting right next to me; you are an idiot and you cost everybody. You look at wrestling today it's like a monopoly, so the wrestlers themselves have no leverage of any kind. Before, if they weren't going to be paid, you could have told them that you were going to go to WCW like the old days, that was so much better for the wrestlers because we had a bargaining table, but today? No, and that is all Eric Bischoff's fault; he killed the wrestling business, he was the worse. I like Eric. He was always nice to me. He had done some nice things for me like the night Owen died, he flew me home in a learjet; paid me the whole summer with a ridiculous wage, so he did some nice things there, but at the same time, he lied to me and killed my career. It's kind of like; come to WCW and sign this contract so that we can kill your career. That is what we are going to do."

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