Saturday, October 21, 2017


WWE confirm illness:

WWE have confirmed Roman Reigns has been swapped out of TLC because of illness. They also confirmed medical tests are ongoing on the rest of the roster...

"We have confirmed that three of our performers have been diagnosed with a viral infection. As a precautionary measure, we are ensuring in-ring performers and staff are tested and immunized in accordance with recommended medical guidelines."

WWE Network:

WWE are working on two new shows for the Network. The first is a revised version of the old Diva Search format, with a number of women going on the road with WWE, and having eliminations once a week, until one lady is left standing, and earns a WWE contract. The other is a reality show for Miz & Maryse.

HOF feud:

Scott Hall has recalled a Mania fallout with Macho Man in 1994...

"I came back through the curtain and Mach was like a leader of the locker room. I came back through, he goes, and all the boys were there, he goes, 'first of all, I want to say congratulations on a great match. Second of all, I want to say you're very, very selfish' because we went longer than was allotted to us, but we have to do what we have to do and it's me and Shawn. I'm thinking, 'what are you going to do, Vince, fire us? No, yell at us. I don't care and it was go, so what the f--k?' He was wrestling Crush and they got cut way down, so he was upset. So he said, 'great match' and 'you're selfish' and I said, 'thank you' and 'you're right.' Yeah, I was worried about me in that moment, so, 'sorry bro. Go get 'em.'"

Bischoff bites back:

Eric Bischoff has responded to Bret Hart's recent comments on him...

"I didn't listen to your show with Bret. I'm generally aware of the kind of things that Bret says because he's been saying them for years, so it's nothing new there. I'm sure he didn't break any news. He's just a miserable guy. He's the type of guy--and I said it in one of my responses on Twitter; he has a giant hole in his soul, and he's going to have to fill it with hate for somebody. When he came to work for me he hated Vince McMahon. He hated everybody in the McMahon family; he hated Shawn Michaels; he didn't want to work with Hulk Hogan. He hated Ric Flair, he hated Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, he hated everybody, and I had to listen to that. It was a major effort to get him and Flair on the same page; which wasn't because of Ric, it was because of Bret; he just hated everybody. If you just watched him or listened to him over the years, he was able to get into the WWE Hall of Fame so he buried the hatchet with Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels, of course he did, but you know, Bret showed up in WCW, it makes me laugh when he says he didn't like how he was treated because we paid him a lot of money and treated him extremely well. Here was a guy that would show up 45 minutes before television started, before a live TV show and he would show up looking like he would sleep in the gutter the last three days; and he had no energy, no real desire to integrate himself and insert himself in the process. He wasn't at all passionate about anything he did from day one."

He then revealed a regret from his WCW tenure...

"I tried really hard to keep Jericho. I offered Chris a lot of money; I did everything I could to keep Chris, but Chris was determined to leave WCW because he really only used WCW as a stepping stone to get to WWE, and once he used it as a stepping stone to come to WWE, there wasn't anything I could have done realistically, I don't think I could have kept Chris Jericho in WCW. I'd' be lying if I said that I recognized that type of talent back then, but I didn't. I knew he was a great talent and I wanted to keep him, but we had Bill Goldberg, we had Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Sting; we had a pretty deep main event level roster, and I didn't see at the time how I could have broken Chris into that category within the time frame that he wanted to be in it; I just couldn't do it. I hated seeing Chris Jericho go, I really did."

Cornette changes story:

Jim Cornette has, for the first time, conceded he may have made an abusive phone call to Santino Marella, after being fired by WWE for slapping him...

"I may have very well called Santino Marella and left him a nasty message. As I said, I have no memory of this and I've never had this guy's phone number, etc., etc. But he gave more details, he said that a friend of his immediately texted him afterwards and said, "Oh my God, dude, I didn't know he was going to do that." ... So apparently by that evidence I'm able to at least entertain that. So I assume now, since I have no memory of this because it was so important to me, that some knucklehead came up and said 'Hey, I've got Santino Marella's phone number. At which point did he ask me to cut a promo on him, or he thought I wouldn't do it, or was I in a grumpy mood, or did I even believe it? I don't f***ing know because I don't remember it. But it is a correction that I will admit that I could've happened."

New baby:

Miz & Maryse are having a baby girl.

HHH fills in:

Triple H will strap up the boots in Chile this weekend to compensate for KO and AJ Styles going home early.

TE to Hollywood:

Mada of the last season of Tough Enough is taping a movie called 'Aquaman.'

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