Friday, October 20, 2017


Cody talks inspiration:

Cody Rhodes has credited Zack Ryder for inspiring him to be the best he can be. Referring to Zack's self promotion with his YouTube show blowing up for him in 2011...

''Every arena was chanting "we want Ryder" for months...even if he wasn't booked. Really inspiring time.''

Undertaker tribute:

A US sportsman has had a picture of the Undertaker painted onto his shoes.

Bound For Glory:

Taryn has been removed her BFG match. Impact say she is injured, but she has actually left the company.

Grado vs Abyss has been added to the card. 

HOF'er worries about top star:

Edge says he is not sure Shinsuke Nakamura will make it...

"It's strange with Nakamura, man, because, like you've said, we've seen his matches with AJ in New Japan and everything. With Randy, I've seen it. And with Sami, I've seen it. But that match too, man, I really loved that match and after that, it's like, anything else is going to be tough to live up to. I mean, maybe Nakamura will get there. Maybe. Who knows? It's a different beast entirely. People can blame it on booking, this, that, or the other. I don't know. I think it's weird. It just goes to show how different places to wrestle are completely different environments."

Live no-shows:

AJ Styles had to withdraw from a live in Argentina last night, with stomach issues, as did Kevin Owens for a personal issue. Owens has flown home to be with his family.

Cody's riches:

Cody Rhodes has revealed he is getting double what he was paid in WWE from his ROH deal, and he gets triple what he used to get per match for his indie career.

He also revealed he and his wife have been suffering racial abuse for their inter-racial marriage.

Nia Jax:

WWE and Nia Jax have denied she is taking a leave of absence from the road, but the Meltzer says she will not be back at work until the post Survivor Series European tour. He did though say that the story of her backstage walkout has been ''Overblown'' on the internet.


WWE have been talking to a number of UK broadcasters about hosting their UK show. ITV are seemingly winning out. The show, which will have it's own UK roster, has also gotten a familiar name. It is scheduled to be called King Of The Ring. They are still talking to UK indies to host the UK live tour.


Sheamus has launched a fitness channel on YouTube.

Major TLC changes:

Kurt Angle will replace Roman Reigns in the 3 on 5 match at TLC. This will be his first match for WWE in over a decade. Also AJ Styles will replace Bray Wyatt, who is still ill, against Finn Balor.

WWE illness revealed:

WWE talent are suffering from mumps. They are testing all talent for the viral illness. Any that test positive can be gone for as much as a month as the illness can take 16-18 days to show symptoms and can last for 7-10 days after, and as the illness can be passed from person to person, sick stars will have to be sent home to avoid the infection spreading. They were testing for viral meningitis when they found the real cause of the current problems, so had to start testing again, looking for the correct condition.

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