Monday, October 2, 2017


Vince killed return:

A former WWE writer has revealed an angle he had mapped out for a 2005 return of Brock Lesnar to WWE. He had Batista destroying all who came before him for a number of months, leading to an arrogant heel promo declaring he was untouchable... Lesnar's music hits... feud on. Vince McMahon was not sold on the idea, and told him they would not be doing business with him at that time. This would have been a year after he walked out of WWE, had it happened, it took a further 7 years for him to make it back into a WWE ring.

Raw teaser:

  • Roman Reigns battles The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship
  • The Kingslayer aims to conquer The Monster Among Men
  • How will Alexa Bliss respond to Mickie James' attack?
  • When will Nevillle strike again?

HHH jet-setter:

Triple H is in the UK today, he will then fly to India for a promotional trip for their show in December.

UK re-brand:

WCPW have confirmed they will be relaunched after tonight's show in Newcastle, as Defiant Wrestling. Their first shows under the new name will be in December.

WWE vs old boy:

Colt Cabana has confessed to the fact that the WWE lawsuit against him and CM Punk is costing him lots of money. He also admitted to being offended by what some saw as a jab at the situation on WWE TV recently. It is felt by some that the KO vs Vince spot, where Vinnie-mac was gloating about never losing a legal case, was aimed at them. He said he wasn't sure if that was true, but did not think it was appropriate.

Billy Corgan talks TNA issues:

"I was very, very frustrated by the obstacles I faced internally, both culturally and fiscally, at TNA. I dealt with a lot of backstabbing and lies. I was able to push through some things that ended up being successful at TNA, and I was very frustrated because you would think the success would have led to more leverage and further opportunities. But it was exactly the opposite. People were out to get me because I had power. At least now, in this situation, I am my own boss. You have to build your own infrastructure from the bottom up and work with people you really trust. The traditional 'carny' aspect of the wrestling business that plagues a lot of companies, and has plagued a company like TNA, are problems that hold the business back. You can't run an effective business if it's like Game of Thrones every week."

Shane dragged into political row:

A $500,000 investment in a legal marijuana company has been investigated by an American journalist, because his mother is in a government that holds strong anti-drug views. They also noted that Shane was fighting a legal action trying to re-coup the money, because the company did not actually exist in the physical sense. Shane found this out the hard way after going for a visit to their HQ and finding an empty building. The owner is refusing to give Shane his money back.

Legend bids farewell:

Johnny Moss has done an interview with BBC today to announce his farewell show will be in Whitehaven, Cumbria. He will then be moving to the US to coach at the PC.

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