Tuesday, October 17, 2017


UK wrestling featured:

A new documentary following the resurgence in the British wrestling scene, and the talent that are taking the world by storm right now has been released here. I had the chance to view it earlier. It is a great feature, made by a great team of filmographers. Very much worth a watch if you have half an hour to spare. It is called 'The Road Back To Malice' which is inspired by the lead featured talent, The Modfather, and a song by The Jam.

Return and reason SPOILER!!!:

Kane is back. He will join team Miz at TLC in what is now a 5 on 3 match vs The Shield. This will be the start of an angle leading into Survivor Series. Kane is angry with Roman Reigns for retiring the Undertaker and will lead a team against The Shield and a mystery partner at the Survivor Series next month. The mystery man is rumoured to be a major return, and swerve. The Undertaker is reportedly joining the man that retired him against his brother's team.

Sin Cara interview:

On Chris Jericho fight...

"Me and Jericho are good friends. He actually asked me if he could borrow one of my masks for that segment, and I said that it would be an honor. There is no heat between him and I. Nowadays, with social media, there are always a lot of rumors, but we are fine. That's why I let him borrow my mask. If that wasn't the case, I would have said no."

On Enzo's heat...

"To be honest, I'm not sure, exactly, what is going on. Maybe they're thinking he hasn't gone through enough to have the successes he's having, but who am I to judge? All I can say is about myself. The only thing I can say is I wish him the best. Hopefully, that helps his career and makes him better, not just with his promos, but his in-ring work, too."


Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher vs Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann has been added. Alicia Fox vs Sasha Banks will be the pre.

Foxy fined:

WWE say Alicia Fox has been fined for shoving a referee at Raw last night.

Nikki continues:

Nikki Bella scored a personal best 27 points during this weeks Disney night on 'Dancing With The Stars' leaving her exempt from elimination. She danced a Jazz (Which is a music genre, not dance, but hey!) routine to 'Remember Me' by Benjamin Bratt from the movie 'Coco'...

Actress Sasha Pieterse and former strictly pro Gleb Savchenko were cut this week.

SmackDown tease:

  • Sami Zayn to kick off SmackDown LIVE
  • WWE Champion Jinder Mahal to make Survivor Series announcement
  • Bobby Roode and Dolph Ziggler meet in WWE Hell in a Cell rematch tonight on SmackDown LIVE
  • United States Champion Baron Corbin to be in action
  • Breezango break open their next case in "Pulp Fashion"

Jericho lands big gig:

Chris Jericho will host this years Loudwire music awards.


WrestleMania tickets go on sale on November 17.

Jericho talks WWE departures:

On Neville...

"It doesn't surprise me because I think a guy like Neville, whenever I worked with him we had great matches. He reminds me a lot, actually, of working with Chris Benoit in that he's very hard-hitting, he's very solid, very graceful and not stiff in the least, just a really innovative, smart worker. I think he wasn't really getting his shot in the WWE, and the cruiserweight thing is fine but let's be honest, it is what it is. I think there's a lot higher potential for a guy like Neville in the ring and also the character. If he left you know that he's gonna be one of those guys like Cody Rhodes, guys like the Young Bucks and Will Ospreay and Marty Scurll that are making a choice not to be in WWE and proving that it's not the be-all, end-all if you're not there. Look at Tommy (Dreamer) with House Of Hardcore, very successful outside of the reigns of the WWE. It's a big step, it's like walking off the side of a building and being told that there's a net at the bottom, but you can't see it. So you don't know for sure if he's making the right decision as of right now. But talent-wise, character-wise and intelligence-wise, he's got all three of those things. So he's not making this decision lightly, and I think wherever he ends up he'll be probably a bigger star than he was before just by getting a bigger opportunity."

On Jimmy Jacobs...

"Jimmy's good and if I was there I would've tried to help him out, but it's not the smartest of moves," Jericho said. "If I work at McDonalds and post a picture of me hanging out with guys from Wendy's and hashtag 'Wendy's is great,' McDonalds might not be too happy about it. I think Jimmy's a smart guy and maybe wouldn't surprise me if he knew something was going to happen. Maybe he was getting sick of it, I don't know. I just know as soon as I saw that picture, I was just like 'ooof,' with the hashtag '#BCInvasion,' you can't do that man. I mean, you can't. Was it a fireable offense? Well, it's not my decision, obviously Vince thought it was, which tells me there was probably some other stuff going on and that was the final straw. And I will say this, last year, 2016, Jimmy Jacobs was my co-writer on all of it. All of it! And the weeks he wasn't there I was like 'Ah f--k, I don't like this, I want Jimmy.' So he's very talented, and he really got me. I worked with him a few times and I went to Dave Kapoor, 'I want Scoville, which is his real name, Chris Scoville, on every Jericho promo. No one else.' Because that's how much I trusted his talent, his instincts."


Impact are releasing a beverage and a pizza brand after pairing up with a food company.

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