Saturday, October 28, 2017

28/10/2017 **

Tag team departs:

Reno Scum have left Impact.

Family feud:

Jeff Jarrett's daughter has blamed his wife Karen for driving her father to abusing alcohol. Jeff is currently in a rehab facility after officially splitting wit Impact this week. She admitted to having a difficult relationship with her father in recent years, but declared her pride at his seeking help. Karen's daughter with Kurt Angle was angered at the slur on her mother and a Twitter feud has started between the two.

Goldust recalls career highlight:

Goldust has told the story of Mania 12's backlot brawl...

"I was really wanting to get some juice back then, really badly. Vince did not want it, so I asked Roddy to open me up the hard way. And that was my way of, 'okay, Goddang it! I'm going to do bleed whether you like it or not because I want to blade. It gets you into it more. And so Piper slammed me up on the hood. That's the only thing I told Roddy about this whole thing: 'please, hit me. Bust me open.' And you'd think that Roddy being in the business for has long as he had, he would know how to do that, right? So he put me on the hood, and he mounts me, and I'm ready for it, man. He's looking straight at me and he throws his fist straight down, but he hits me square in the forehead and I mean hard. It's like a brick hitting cement. And I'm just like, 'what the hell?' And still in my head, 'ah, nothing, man.' He's still beating me up. 'Do it again!' He reaches up and he drills me again and you hear a crack and it's his hand that breaks on my head. I started revving up the car and I'm looking at Roddy and he's probably a good 20 feet away, so I put it in park and I start to drive. I speed up just a little bit and I'm looking dead at him and I'm thinking, 'please, dear God, move.' He doesn't move. He doesn't move and his knees hit and it just buckled the whole car. It was gross sounding, his knees too, man. I mean, when I watch it back, his fist on my head, you can see it and hear it. You're not really seeing it or hearing it while it's happening, but I remember his knees specifically hitting the front of that hood of the car, man, buckling. And I was like, 'ooh, man. That sounded terrible. I just killed Roddy Piper!' Vince took us both to the hospital. He had his hand fixed. I had a concussion. One take. One take, I went into that dumpster hard too, but I was fine. It was more Roddy's hand than anything. And Roddy's tough, man. They didn't have a cast on his hand. I don't think. I can't recall that. He just tapes. That's the way they did it back then. Those old school guys, they just tape up and go, man."

ROH / WWE wedding:

Ray Rowe has proposed to his WWE PC girlfriend Sarah. She said ''Yes''.

Wrestler discusses sexual abuse from fans:

Laurel Van Ness has recalled an incident of sexual bullying by male fans...

"One that sticks out to me was when I was wrestling Nicole Matthews in Vancouver. I was very new and there was some very sexual comments made by a couple of drunk fans. As we were wrestling, Nicole stopped and said something to them. It did the trick, they stopped what they were saying. There's such a fine line between letting it affect you, but staying silent about it. I don't think it's right to yell at a female like that, it is our place of work and we're trying to entertain you. Freedom of speech, sure, but to an extent – you have to be respectful, we are humans and we're working essentially for you. I do have a time when I hear things in the ring, but me personally I try to ignore it because I find a lot of people are trying to get your attention by screaming profanities or saying sexual things towards women. But I have a limit as much as anyone else, and if someone did cross that line, I think I would have to say something at the time."

NXT spook show:

The stars of NXT had a dress up Halloween battle royal at a live last night.

Joey Ryan reveals why he won't go to WWE:

''Imagine me telling my wife I’m going to cut my income by 2/3rds AND move us to Florida just to be with WWE. On the indies, you bet on yourself. In WWE, you’re betting on a person in a position of power liking you. ''

Impact chase top star:

Impact have had recent talks with indie superstar Ricochet.

New fan:

During an interview to promote his new film 'Thor' Jeff Goldblum asked the interviewer about the tee he was wearing. The shirt was a WWE Breezango fashion files tee. The interviewer then went on to discuss the team, the company and wrestling in general, giving him a clip note history of the sport, which he seemed genuinely interested in. Although he is a pretty good actor, so he could have been taking the piss?

Gail Kim:

Gail Kim has started working as an advisor on 'Glow'.

Celeb joins campaign:

Young Bucks have shared a picture of Eminem, apparently unwittingly making himself the poster boy for their ''F!ck the Revival'' campaign.

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