Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today's News

One and done:

Sources close to Batista say he feels let down and unhappy with his WWE return, but will return, for one more match. He wants Triple H at WrestleMania 31 in a retirement match, he reportedly would come back to work the full build up to the event, and would then say goodbye to wrestling for good. WWE officials have refused to say whether or not they are considering the idea.

Batista told Chris Jericho on his podcast that it was not WrestleMania, but the following nights Raw that maddened him, he did not like the way Bryan was booked, calling the no-selling of the injuries suffered at Mania ''Garbage'' creatively, and made him and Randy Orton look weak as a result, he, however lays no blame at Daniel Bryan's door, as he was doing what he was booked to do.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake has been put into a ''Coma-like state'' because he is not able to take in enough oxygen on his own, doctors are concerned about the mass on his brain, but cannot deal with the issue until they bring the pneumonia under control, due to the amount of pain he is in, the medics felt keeping him heavily sedated would be the best course of action at this stage.

TNA star aims at WWE:

Chris Sabin is hoping to make it to WWE, saying it is a childhood dream of his.

Wade Barrett talks injury:

"…There is never really a good time to get injured. I felt like I was in the middle of a good run. I had some good matches, and people were enjoying what I was doing. Obviously, I also had the Intercontinental championship, which was huge in itself. There are elements of this happening that really did suck, but I want to be back and better than ever. I want to push forward. Eventually, I want to win the WWE world heavyweight championship."

WWE dropped:

A top hedge fund have dropped their huge stake stake in WWE this week, Citadel sold almost 800,000 shares.

WWE injury:

Solomon Crowe was injured last night, he performed a flying head scissors, but after landing did not move, he eventually grabbed for his leg, in a great deal of pain, and the match was stopped, he was taken to a local hospital, no further details as yet.

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