Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Today's News


CM Punk's inclusion on this years game is not a sign he is coming back, or an improvement in his relationship with WWE. Rather the game makers informed WWE that taking him out would mean they would have to scrap the new legendary feuds feature on the game, a section which features Punk heavily.

The roster so far is... The Miz, Diesel, Classic Hulk Hogan, Current Hulk Hogan, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Classic Sting, Black & White Sting, Big Show, Bray Wyatt, Bad News Barrett, The Undertaker, Triple H, Cesaro, John Cena, Darren Young, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Sheamus, Rob Van Dam, AJ Lee, Cameron, Naomi, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, CM Punk, Steve Austin and Paul Heyman.


Alberto Del Rio is set to break WWE's 90 day curfew and will appear at this Sunday's AAA event, according to the legendary Arturo Rivera. The event will be airing at the same time as the WWE's SummerSlam event. Ricardo Rodriguez will not risk the potential legal action that could come from WWE, he says he is going to wait until his 90 days are up before he joins, but did confirm AAA is where he wants to be.

JR critical of WWE product:

"Not sure how this happens but the WWE Summer Slam card info and lineup of matches including the match times leaked out to the internet over the past several hours. This is a big card with 8 matches plus all the obligatory and often times 'fill' of backstage bits that allegedly add 'entertainment' content to the event which means that some of the matches on the show won't get the bell to bell time that some would want to see them have which will prevent the show from being as good as it could be. Nonetheless I'm anxious to watch the event on the WWE Network of which I am renewing."

TNA staff running for the door:

Two major TNA officials have handed in their notice, and will leave the company in the coming weeks. The head of Live Events, and Chief Production Engineer are ending multiple year careers with the group.

Hall Of Famer hospitalised:

Sgt Slaughter is in hospital for an undisclosed reason.


The actress that played Daniel Bryan's doctor is a Lance Storm trainee named Jaida (Chelsea Green).

Vince McMahon joined the Hulk Hogan birthday party after Raw went off the air.


Eminence Capital in New York have bought a 9.6% share in WWE today.

The Network will be rolled out to 170 nations and territories today. WWE have announced that they are raising the price by $7.00 to $19.99 for month by month subscription, without the 6 month contract. The 6 month price will stay at $9.99.

WWE title:

WWE are advertising John Cena vs Seth Rollins for the WWE title at post SummerSlam live events.


Veronica Lane is back in action after a leg injury.

The Rock:

The drunk woman that crashed into Rock's Mum's car last week has been charged with DUI.

Indy great to WWE:

WWE have confirmed the signing of Kevin Steen. He starts work on August 25.

Goldust day:

August 10th has been named Goldust day in Yakima, Washington.

Foley lands movie:

Mick Foley will narrate a short horror film called Hellevator.

Rodriguez vs WWE:

Ricardo Rodriguez has revealed Triple H used to call him Bumble Bee Man, (From The Simpsons) and once said he was ''Fat as f**k'' whilst shaking his hand.

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