Friday, August 29, 2014

Today's News

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake has now regained consciousness, following his health emergency (See yesterday). He was in a coma for 24 hours.

Batista adds fuel to WWE exit rumours:

Batista has confessed to his unhappiness, during his WWE return earlier this year...

"It was just bad from right off the bat. They said, 'We want you to come out and do this thing with Hunter and Steph and Randy,' and I was like, 'First night back and you can't give me five minutes in the ring by myself in front of the fans? I told them from the very beginning [making me a babyface] isn't going to work. They said, 'Nah, man. They love you. They love you. They miss you.' That's going to last for 30 seconds. I said, 'They want to hate me and I'm good at that.'"

WWE cuts:

WWE Magazine officially ceased operations today, the last issue will be released on September 16.

Hornswoggle interview:

On working with Vince...

"I did that for about 3 months, where I was his son, maybe longer, and there were days in the beginning where I would go, 'Oh my god, I'm working with the most powerful man in wrestling.' Then I realized that he's joking around, he's playing ribs on guys more than I am. You just realize that he is this billionaire, but still just loves this business."

On heat with The Rock...

"I told him [The Rock], 'I met you backstage the night you came back in [Anaheim], when you were revealed as the guest host for WrestleMania, and you thought I was a Make a Wish kid. You tapped me on the shoulder and said, 'Did you have a good time tonight buddy?' Then you walked off and you realized it, then you said to Big Show, 'Hornswoggle thinks I thought he was a Make a Wish kid, and I did think he was.'"

On shared views with CM Punk...

"When it comes to wrestling, I use that word instead of sports entertainment, I use wrestling all the time, because I am a wrestling fan. CM Punk once said this is still wrestling to us, this isn't sports entertainment to us, because we grew up on wrestling."

On Finlay...

"My old buddy, my 'Dad' Dave Finlay. He's still working backstage as an agent and producer, and he has helped me more than anybody else in this company. He has gone to bat for me more times that he probably wanted to, and that's because he literally cares about me as a son."

WWE pull new show:

WWE have already axed their new animated show ''Cheap pops''. It was taken down from .Com and YouTube ''Super fast'', but they did not tell the creator of the episode what the issue was.

Natalya schools Rosa:

Total Diva's are getting some big attention following their raunchy tease for the new season, with a topless Rosa. They will air a frank conversation between Natalya and the Latino superstar on the same episode, where Natalya chastises Mendes for her inappropriate dress at a Be-A-Star reading event. Rosa turned up with a skimpy top, which exposed her breasts from a side view. Rosa did not see the problem, so Natalya let her know, in no uncertain terms, why she needs to change clothes. TD also promise Rosa will share her darkest secret during the series.

Yeah... I know, but it's a slow news day...

Hogan wants Austin:

Hulk Hogan says he called Steve Austin a ''B!tch'' last week, and that he is ready to go whenever Austin is, he revealed they still have real heat for not working a match in 2005, due to his (Not sure if he means himself or Austin) health problems, and Austin won't let it go, and continues to moan about it to this day. He also called him a ''Nasty scoundrel'' in an interview.

He then talked about wanting Cena too, so probably self promotion again IMO.

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