Friday, August 8, 2014

Today's News

WWE cuts:

WWE have fired their Vice President of Creative Eddie Feldmann as part of their budget cuts.

Alberto Del Rio:

WWE fired Alberto Del Rio yesterday for ''Unprofessional conduct and an altercation with an employee''. The incident reportedly happened at this weeks TV tapings, when Del Rio is said to have slapped a member of the social media team across the face, after taking offence to a comment he deemed to be of a racial nature.

The release has been questioned by many, it was thought to be kayfabe in the early hours following the announcement as WWE did not use his real name, as they tend to do when announcing a release, and had it as one of the lead stories on the site, again, against the norm. They also neglected to wish him well in his future endeavours. The differences are explainable, this was a release reacting to an incident, WWE deemed so serious it warranted the immediate dismissal of one of their star performers, and they probably wanted to get a statement out themselves before the net picked up on it, also they must have been pretty P'Od to have fired one of their top guys on the spot, and may not have been feeling very charitable with their wishes for his future so soon after the incident.

Some however are suggesting WWE pushed him before he had the chance to jump. Del Rio is close to the end of his deal, and has made no secret of his wish to return to Mexico, including moving to Texas recently, to be closer geographically to the country. This has led some commentators into hinting that this was WWE taking the chance to show that they are bigger than Del Rio, or as Triple H said yesterday, any one else on the roster. If this is true, they likely did not want a repeat of the CM Punk situation, and decided it would be better if they axed him, than wait for him to walk away.

Del Rio is already garnering interest, AAA and TNA say they would like him to join, but WWE have confirmed he is subject to the 90 day no compete clause and cannot appear for anyone else yet. He has already been moved onto the Alumni page of .Com.

TNA problems:

Spike TV officials were said to be disappointed that TNA had ring crew, security guards and backstage staffers fill out the empty seats at the TV tapings they attended, also one was very upset by a crowd chant of "change the channel" during one particularly poorly received match.


Stephanie McMahon feels WWE are better than UFC, and that UFC has a shelf life, but WWE will be around forever...

"UFC is not really a competitor to us. I explain it to our talent. They are like boxing. It's completely different from what we are. We're like the movie Rocky. We're a story. We're a great story that just happens to take place in the wrestling ring. In a boxing match, you'll watch one time. You're not going to go back and watch it a bunch of times unless you're a connoisseur of boxing science. Rocky the movie? You'll watch over and over again. It's a triumph story. It's a love story. We create characters you gravitate to. That you connect with. Whether you hate them or love them. We put them in unique storylines with creative passions. We have good guys and bad guys. That's what makes the network successful. Who is going to go back and watch the Super Bowl from 1984? Who is going to go back and watch boxing from five years ago? Our product is evergreen. With UFC you can pay money to watch a PPV but it can be a terrible fight, right? The guy you're rooting for that UFC has been building gets knocked right off and suddenly that person doesn't really matter anymore. All that investment is lost. You never have that with WWE, we strategically build out Superstars and characters. We know when they are going to win, we know when they are going to lose. We build characters and make them megastars. It's all very intentional and you're guaranteed to get your money's worth. It might not necessarily be the outcome you wanted but you're guaranteed to have a great match, a great pay-per-view and you're guaranteed to get entertained."

Orton vs fan:

Friends of the fan in a feud with Randy Orton have released a video of the incident Orton claimed was her stalking him, the video shows the lady running from a car and challenging Orton outside of a gym, but is shot too far away to determine what was said or the content of the exchange.

Jericho on live spot:

Chris Jericho helped two fans get engaged on the Australia tour, he asked the fan and his girl to enter the ring and got the crowd to chant ''Yes'' after he posed the question. Jericho revealed he asked Triple H if he could do it first, as the male fan is dying of cancer...

"Everyone at WWE agreed it was the cool thing to do. Basically, Daniel came in the ring and asked his girlfriend to look at the billboard, which said 'Will you marry me, Mikala?' She said yes. The best part of all was as soon as he asked the question, 15,000 fans starting chanting 'Yes!' which is pretty cool."

One and done:

Sting has confirmed that his WrestleMania 31 match will be his only WWE match, and that he would then retire from in ring competition...

"I'm 99.99% sure and can say that it would definitely be the last one"

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