Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today's News

Dean Ambrose:

Dean Ambrose will be making his movie until September 20, so, unless they run over schedule he could be back at Night Of Champions.

Daniel Bryan:

WWE do not expect Daniel Bryan to be cleared in time to wrestle on the European tour, but decided that the roster making the trip was light on top names, so added the injured former champ. He will likely cut promo's in the ring, but will not be involved physically.

WWE Network:

100 hours of WCW Nitro will be added to the WWE Network next week.


Natalya had a wardrobe malfunction on Raw, but the WWE tech guys managed to save her embarrassment with clever editing.

WWE losing two stars:

Rob Van Dam is working his last dates for a while tonight, and Ryback has decided it is time for him to ''Go away''. He says he has been dealing with a number of things recently, and feels he needs to take some time away to rectify the matters.

Raw guests:

Kelly Kelly and Maryse were backstage last night.

Total Diva's:

Rosa Mendes will appear topless in the new series of Total Diva's, in a scene with Natalya. The moment is teased in the trailer for the new season, but is pixelated. The Latino star has also revealed she is on the hunt for a husband.

Batista done with WWE?:

There are some strong rumours and concerned officials within WWE. Word is Batista has decided not to return to finish the rest of his WWE contract, and will build on the success of his movie to further his acting career instead.

GFW sign deal:

PWA Australia are the latest group to partner up with Jeff Jarrett's new promotion. Jarrett has declared his frustrations with how long things are taking to get off the ground however.

TNA's big decision:

If TNA go with the TV offer (See yesterday) they would have to cut back so far on talent and production that the promotion will be unrecognisable from its current form. At this time however, it is their only available alternative.

Hogan on wanting WWE to fail during Monday Night Wars:

"I was praying to God that wouldn't happen. I prayed to God that we would become the No. 1 wrestling show, and that WWE would thrive and stay the monster that they were. WCW might become a little bit [of a] bigger monster. I never wanted anybody to go away. I wanted two different companies so talent could have a choice where they could work and make big, big money."

New Alumni:

Former Heavyweight Champion Ivan Koloff, the man that ended the legendary record longest reign in history.

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