Sunday, August 24, 2014

Today's News

TNA departures:

ODB has confirmed she has left TNA, and Velvet Skye looks to be following her out of the door, she has removed all mention of TNA from her social media profiles.

WWE lives:

Nikki Bella is working this weekend's shows as a face.


WWE games will confirm the NXT roster of this years game in the coming days.

Petey Williams talks retirement:

"I hear about all of these guys getting concussions and neck injuries, and I watch their wrestling style, and I realize my wrestling style's a little bit harder than that, because I'm taking German suplexes on the neck, and piledrivers and whatever. I'm like, 'Man, I'm gonna be 33 years old; maybe I'd better get out now, and not have to be in a wheelchair when I'm older. My wife's due with my next daughter in a couple of weeks or so, and I just didn't book any shows in or around this time. Then I just said, 'You know what? I just gotta start doing different things in life.' You kinda have to look at your future, and ask what's really more important: providing for my family, being there for them, or pro wrestling?.''

He went on to state that he is going to become a US citizen next month, and will then start training for a career in law enforcement.

Rey Mysterio:

WWE are not planning to bring Rey back to TV even when he heals, but are determined he will not leave to go to another promotion.

Yoshi Tatsu:

Yoshi Tatsu is expected to return to Japan later this year, to join NJPW.


TNA are resigned to losing their deal with Spike, Spike want to get out of wrestling, and told officials that TNA is a ''Lame duck'', they will give TNA until the end of the year to find a new home, and make the transition to another network, but will not renew in the new year.


WWE and SyFy have officially confirmed SmackDown is moving to Thursday nights.

Cena blames WWE:

John Cena has hinted that the reason he will not turn heel is WWE...

"[It will] never happen. Oh I've got it in me for sure... I do what they tell me, boss."

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