Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today's News

WWE slammed for disrespecting US Flag:

WWE are getting some huge heat following SummerSlam. Apparently during the pre match brawl between Jack Swagger and Rusev the American national flag fell and touched the floor, this is reportedly a huge insult in the country and many fans were left outraged at the incident, not helped by JBL mentioning that it had happened during commentary. There are rumours that any flag that touches the floor should be immediately burned, that is, I am told, an urban legend, but it is considered grossly offensive and disrespectful by many Americans to have their national flag come into contact with the ground. WWE have not responded to the negative media the accidental incident has caused at this stage.

Possibly as a result of this WWE rewrote the Raw script at the very last minute, and had Mark Henry confront Rusev, rather than continue the Swagger / Rusev feud.


WWE cut a lot of the backstage skits planned for SummerSlam out at the last minute, including an angle for Mark Henry and Big Show, they wanted to concentrate more on the in ring action, and saying $9.99 a lot.

Main Event:

Michael Cole has replaced Tom Phillips on the Main Event broadcast team.

Night Of Champions:

Triple H has announced Brock Lesnar vs John Cena for the new look WWE World Title will headline NOC next month. Sheamus vs Cesaro is expected to be added with the US Title on the line.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Jack Swagger vs Seth Rollins...

* Rusev vs Sin Cara...

* Randy Orton vs Rob Van Dam...

* Natalya vs Paige...

* Gold/StarDust vs The Wyatt Family...

* The Miz vs Roman Reigns...

John Cena appeared after the taping ended, to a huge pop, before taking a beat down from the Wyatt's.


Canada to save WWE:

Despite charging $2 more than every where else in the world, Canadians are reportedly subscribing to the WWE Network in their droves.

Alberto Del Rio:

Konnan has revealed why AAA used ADR's WWE theme music. Apparently in Mexico, copyright laws are not as strictly regulated.

Kurt Angle on WWE return:

"I'm still in the process. My contract's up September 21st. I will say this TNA has been really loyal to me and there is an obligation there but at the same time have to do what's best for me. I haven't quite decided yet. It wouldn't be a surprise either way it's just I'm going to have to bear down right now and by the end of September I'll have my decision. I think it's always an open door. It's really about what you can give. What they want from you and what you want from them. At the end of the day you have to agree on all terms. So it really comes down to how much they want to use me and how much I want to be used."

Q - ''Could you work a full WWE schedule''...

"No not at all. I wouldn't expect it to. You know 15 years of hard pro wrestling and I went a lot of full time in TNA until the last two and a half years. I would hope they wouldn't expect me to do it. I know TNA does not expect me to do that either. So where ever I end up it's going to be part time."

Hulk Hogan warns Lesnar:

In response to being called Grandpa on Raw...

"If he [Lesnar] starts throwing my name around, him and [Paul] Heyman, it's like that old country-western song, "I'm not as good as I ever was, but I'm as good once as I ever was," or however those words go. So Brock Lesnar, you better start biting your tongue when you throw my name around. I'm getting tired of hearing it. I know this is all entertainment, but when he starts throwing my name around with my wife and my kids, he's crossing a line."

He also defended WWE from drugs claims, saying the current crop work harder than at any time in the sports history, and training, hard work, and healthy living are the reason WWE stars are as fit as they are.


Kamala has launched an online campaign to raise enough money to publish his autobiography.

WWE sued... again:

Yet another financial company are suing WWE over the TV deals, this time Victor Wong is taking them on, he wants all shareholders who feel they lost out because of the poor price they got from their TV contracts to contact him by September 23.

TNA receive stay of execution:

Dixie Carter has announced Spike have agreed to continue to air Impact on Wednesday nights for the remainder of 2014, talks will continue for the rights going into the new year.

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