Saturday, August 2, 2014

Today's News

Hulk Hogan interview:

On WrestleMania 30...

"Well it was strong. I was part of the first craziness with Muhammad Ali and Mr. T, but then you fast forward to Wrestlemania 30, with Hulk Hogan coming home to the WWE the place I started it all with Vince. Fast forward 30 years not knowing what to expect and not knowing how much energy was out there and not knowing how much the fans would welcome Hulk Hogan and to have their socks blown off. To top it all off one of Vince McMahon's old tricks in sending Rock and Austin out there was the crescendo of crescendos, brother. The energy out there was amazing. I just wish looking back at it I wish I sucker punched Stone Cold and got a 3 way death match going so I can beat them both."

On The streak...

"It was a Wrestlemania moment that ranks right up there with slamming Andre The Giant. I was sitting in catering grabbing a cup of coffee and my son Nick and I were watching this and he asked who was gonna win. I said The Undertaker of course. When Brock beat him it was like 80,000 people sitting in a funeral. It was something I'll never forget."

On the real John Cena...

"There's more to this business than just winning the belt. This is a business. Cena is relentless. He'll go to meetings, he'll meet Wal Mart owners, shareholders I mean this guy knows what it takes to generate revenue. He can talk to anybody whether it be 4,000 shareholders, New York Stock Exchange, a group of women with breast cancer, he knows how to handle himself and he understands emotions and that's why he's my man."

On Sting to WWE...

"He made his debut at Comic Con and that's all well and good. I ran into him at the airport because we're all on the same flight. I said to him that he needs to wrestle and this is something that needs to be done. He's never established himself on the big stage. No disrespect to his accomplishments, but he was always a southern type of wrestler and always was with NWA or WCW. He has to make that statement. He's still got it and he can still do it and he's still over. If it's not The Undertaker, he needs to wrestle Cena. That's the match. You gotta get in there and have to make your mark. It can't be just a game or an action figure."

He also says his mic botch at Mania was Stephanie McMahon's fault, and that he cut off his Daughter's engagement last year.

Paul Heyman talks TNA:

"I think it's very much time for anybody and everybody to move on, especially on a product that you're trying to push forward. Nostalgia tours are great, but not in a youth oriented and dominated industry. I think the lesson learned in all this is that Spike TV didn't renew them. And one of the reasons has to be that the most passionate reaction they can get is for a product that went away in 2001. And they've been trying to brand themselves since their inception and they can't get it done. They should have spent that time and energy trying to brand themselves and not trying to elicit a response of an audience based on a product that they don't even own."

WWE Alum to wed:

Kelly Kelly has announced her engagement to an NHL star.

AJ Lee:

WWE are pushing a kayfabe injury to WWE Diva's Champ, AJ, they suggest she is concussed and say she has whiplash.

Rodriguez asked to go:

Ricardo Rodriguez left WWE this week, it seems against WWE wishes, his deal was set to be renewed the night after SummerSlam, but Ricardo was bored of being a ring announcer and wanted to get back in the ring, they gave him the chance as El Local, but a badly timed injury saw WWE drop the angle with him, and had him working with the Diva's at the PC, and doing Spanish announcing on PPV events.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan will not be back in 2014, Royal Rumble is now the earliest he can come back. He has also upset some in WWE. WWE only heard he needed another surgery during a press conference he did following a burglary at his home, they are not happy about this.


WWE have big plans for Cesaro, probably a feud with Brock Lesnar at some point post SummerSlam.

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