Thursday, August 14, 2014

Today's News

WWE stars feud:

Roman Reigns and Billy Kidman had a spat on Twitter yesterday. Roman had had an unpleasant experience at a restaurant, (He had found a bug in his meal, and the manager was very rude to him when he complained), he tweeted about it, and Kidman joked that he was trying to get free food. Reigns did not see the humour calling Kidman an ''Old man'' and that he didn't need freebies, as he was doing well financially. Kidman swiped back that he had no sense of humour.

Alberto Del Rio:

More news on why Alberto Del Rio was fired.

Alberto Del Rio was told that he would be suspended until after SummerSlam for his altercation with the social media head. However Mr. Barbierri demanded WWE take further action, and went so far as to threaten to sue the company. Triple H made the decision that they had no choice at this stage but to release the Mexican, to avoid the potential legal issues. Del Rio was said to be furious with Triple H for the decision. 

Alberto has recorded a message, confirming to fans of AAA, that he will be at this Sunday's event, and would be coming back.

Translation of what he said...

"Hello aficionados of Mexico and AAA, the boss is back. What better place to call my home than AAA. Thanks for all the supports and you guys know there is quality where ever the boss is and there is quality in AAA, there was no better place to go. See you soon and God bless you."

He will also host a press conference today in Mexico to address what happened in WWE and his future plans.

Mr. Barbierri is not coming out of this well. It is widely rumoured that he has had altercations with many others during his WWE career, but feels untouchable due, in the most part to his close friendship with Stephanie McMahon. One WWE staffer is quoted as calling him an ''Arrogant jerk off''.

Dave Meltzer is reporting that TNA made an approach to ADR as soon as the news of his WWE departure broke, they, he claims, promised to make him TNA Champion in his first match.

Sgt. Slaughter:

Searge was hospitalised due to a recurrent bleeding ulcer.

WWE backstage notes:

WWE are inviting top indy stars to their next try out camp.

El Torito was left off the Australia tour, due to budget cuts.

Take me back:

Kurt Angle is pitching his services to WWE, he wants to work a part time schedule, as RVD and Brock Lesnar do now. However Vince McMahon is said to be against Angle returning, as a wrestler at least.

Mixed news for TNA:

TNA are once again struggling to pay their staff, also Fox Sports have declared they are not interested in making a move for the rights, but the senior exec from Spike that decided Spike was going to drop TNA from their channel, recently met with the roster, and the meeting was said to have went well. 

WWE star rethinks retirement:

Santino Marella is going to try to get back into the ring, he has confirmed...

On his injury...

"There's multiple things wrong with my neck. I had some success with that, but the stenosis has increased to the point where it has to be fixed. I'm not cleared for physical contact due to the severity of my stenosis, but apparently with a double fusion you actually can return to the ring with four to six months of recovery time."

On his comeback plans...

"I'm looking forward to getting my surgery within a month and then I will have a four- to six-month recovery in which I will actually attempt to come back in the ring and wrestle again and make one of the greatest, most memorable comebacks of all time. It will be a long comeback, plus I'm going to be 41 years old. I'm just hoping the surgery and the rehab goes perfect and you'll see me back in the ring sooner than later. SummerSlam is a few months after Wrestlemania, and for us it's kind of like the halfway point of the season because it's the second biggest event of the year. I won't be there. I'm taking care of the neck. But I'll be there next year. I want to come back because of some unfinished business. I believe being the Milan Miracle I have one miracle left. There's one belt that I haven't captured—the WWE Championship—and it's going to require that miracle to do it. On the right day at the right time I can definitely experience capturing that championship. There's still some good wrestling left in this guy, so that's what we're going to try to do."

UFC star to WWE:

Chael Sonnen has revealed WWE made an approach to him, wanting to use him as an announcer, however retracted the offer after his drugs problems. He may get another chance as WWE officials asked him to inform them if TNA made a move for him, as they would then look at the situation again.

NXT reject seeking damages from WWE:

Anya is angry that she was fired whilst recovering from a broken arm, She has had to have two surgeries since, and has a scar now, she wants money to cover her health bills and compensation for WWE not giving her a chance to recover from the injury, and breaking their own unwritten rule about not firing people while they are hurt, she claims they had never done that before her. That is not the case, it is not common, but WWE have cuts stars in the past during injury, Test and Albert spring to my mind, but I am sure they are not they only ones.

Rey Mysterio:

AAA have invited Rey Mysterio to Triple Mania this Sunday, and it is likely he will accept the offer to appear as a guest.


TNA star Rebel has been described as being too green to be any where near a ring. She broke her arm during one of her first matches taped in New York last week.

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