Sunday, August 10, 2014

Today's News

Drew McIntyre:

Drew McIntyre beat fellow WWE reject Chris Hero to win the Evolve championship last night.

WWE strike gold:

Fans are being left frustrated all over the world in their search of a copy of Paul Heyman's DVD, Australia, UK and some areas of the States have sold out, one fan traveled to 8 stores in California without finding a single copy of the collection.

Paul Heyman though says he did not want a DVD set...

"I was not happy about it. I had no idea what take WWE was going to have on a look back on what I've done so far. You never know the story that they want to tell. It's a deeply personal issue to me because it's me. I wasn't sure what direction it was going to take. So being a control freak that had no control over, the creative content involved, I was apprehensive to say the very least. Plus, it puts me in a position where I have to talk about stuff from 20, 30 years ago, and I hate spending time looking back."

Don't Ink... Think!!!:

Mick Foley has urged a fan NOT to get a tattoo of him...

"A quick message for the guy who wants to get this image permanently tattooed on his body: don't do it, brother! Think of the bigger picture. Think long-term. Unless you're happily married right now, and your wife is completely cool with you getting a photo of me bleeding – stop and think about your future! What if you meet the girl of your dreams, and when it comes time to get nice with her for the first time, you have to explain this image to her? Maybe she will be completely into it – and that case, you have got yourself a keeper. But more likely, putting this image permanently on your body will eventually lead you to feel like Jacob Marley in "A Christmas Carol" - doomed to carry the chains you forged in life for eternity. Doomed!"

Alberto Del Rio:

Rumours about ADR's WWE departure continue to fly, some are adamant that this is an elaborate angle, but FW4 have reiterated that their source, who they say is a WWE insider, who is in the know has confirmed to them that what was reported (See yesterday) really went down and Del Rio is really gone from the company.

I guess until ADR turns up on someone else's show, or WWE have a change of heart, as they did with Emma and AJ, we are going to be kept guessing.

Paul Heyman defends Lesnar winning the gold:

In response to fans who say part timers should not win the top title...

"I don't know if any of those critics of privy to an agreement Brock Lesnar may or may not have with WWE. So I don't understand how anybody can credibly say this is what Brock Lesnar's schedule is going to be when he becomes the WWE champion. Second, I think the WWE championship is the defended too often and lost some of the prestige because of the beast of monthly pay-per-views. The champion having to defend on every single pay-per-view, let alone at every single arena, has taken away from the special event that is when a champion defends the title. "Here is the best example I can give you. Why don't we just do 12 WrestleMania events a year? I mean it's the brand name in pay-per-view. You know people understand that WrestleMania means it's something special and unique and doesn't happen all the time. It's can't miss. Well, you can't do 12 WrestleMania events a year because then you water-down WrestleMania, and it won't mean as much on the rare occasion you present the brand name WrestleMania. It's the same with Brock Lesnar. If you present Brock Lesnar 52 weeks a year and you have Brock Lesnar defend the title 12 times a year, you're losing money. You're not making money because you are watering down the unique opportunity that the audience can have to see an once-in-a-lifetime athlete on the rare occasion that he dons the tights and laces up the boots and goes into the ring to beat people within an inch of their lives. Plus, here is one more thing to consider. If Brock Lesnar were to work a full-time schedule he would wipe out the roster at once. There would be nobody left for him to fight. So how can people be clamoring for Brock Lesnar to be work a full-time schedule? Then you'll have three hours of Brock and Paul Heyman sitting alone in a ring talking to each other because there would be nobody left for Brock Lesnar to conquer."


A leak of the running order for SummerSlam has the event going something like this...

1. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz (IC Title) (10 minutes)...

2. Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho (15 minutes)...

3. Rusev vs. Jack Swagger (12 minutes)...

4. Paige vs. AJ Lee (Diva's) (12 minutes)...

5. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins (15 minutes)...

6. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns (20 minutes)...

7. Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon (15 minutes)...

8. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena (WWE Title) (25 minutes)...

Triple H on ''Cheap fans'':

Triple H is reported to have blasted fans lack of interest in the WWE Network as them being cheap, and not wanting to pay for what they offer, even with the low price they charge.

WWE cuts:

WWE are still making savings in the back, but the next round of staff cuts are not scheduled until December.

TNA British Bootcamp:

Full cast list...

Males: Rampage Brown, Dave Mastiff, Noam Dar, Martin Stone, Joel Redman, Mark Andrews, Sha Samuels, El Ligero, Tiger Ali, RJ Singh, Chucky Cyrus, Alex Cyanide, Josh Bodom, Matt Fox, Joe Vega, John Harding, Rory Bailey, Evan Sarven, Kevin Lloyd, Jack Gallagher, Hamish Campbell, The Fabulous Bakewells, Richard Parliament, Sebastian Radclaw, The Nordic Warrior, Pastor William Eaver, Sam Smitten-Downes, Joseph Conners, Bulk and Karn, Johnny Rock, Bill Duffy, Pyro, Priscilla, Kris Travis

Females: Skarlett, Lana Austin, Melanie Price, The Owens Twins, Heather Schofield, Miss Louis-Jane, Kay Lee Ray, Nikki Storm.

Evan Bourne:

WWE gave Evan Bourne a subscription to the Network as a thank you, when they fired him recently.

He has also discussed his regret for the drugs fails during his time there...

"Do I regret it? Duh. Basically I failed for that synthetic marijuana which I was smoking instead of normal marijuana for some ridiculous reason. I thought I could get away with it and I did for a while. Then I got caught and I was like, 'well I don't do that anymore.' Then lo and behold I ended up doing it again the night before a test, the second time, and that was that. That was that. Very Very much regret it, duh. What kind of question is that?"

He went on to say his tag partner at the time, Kofi Kingston, was very supportive of him, despite being anti drugs himself, although Evan felt he needed to apologise to him for ruining their run together.

Ricardo Rodriguez:

In a possible swipe back at their former man, WWE insiders say although it is true he asked to leave, WWE were not bothered as he was overweight, and could not keep to the weight loss target they set him.

The Rock:

The Rock has revealed his mother, and cousin (Who is currently training for a WWE career with NXT) were almost killed by a drunk driver earlier this week, they both got out alive, but his cousin needed surgery to repair her damaged arm. Rock angrily slammed the poor choices made by the driver, and urged others to be safe on the roads. (Photo).

''The life you save might be mine''... (James Dean)...

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