Sunday, August 17, 2014

Today's News

Sting on Taker:

Sting says he can't imagine that 'Taker is done or leaving, and Sting vs. The Undertaker doesn't need a streak storyline, and that he wants to wrestle someone from his generation that he has not wrestled yet. He is not the only one, Roman Reigns says he wants the dead man at Mania 31.


Sheamus has admitted being disappointed with being put in the WrestleMania Battle Royal, and that he will miss Alberto Del Rio, as he was a favourite opponent of his.


Shelton Benjamin had knee surgery this week.

SummerSlam notes:

Ric Flair, Booker T, Alex Riley and Renee Young are the pre show panel.

Hulk Hogan has been flown out to appear either tonight, or on Raw tomorrow, he also told fans at a live event this weekend that he will be in the ring wrestling for WWE very soon.

Brock Lesnar is expected to win the title, but may not hold it as long as originally planned, WWE insiders say plans for the title match at Mania 31 do not include Lesnar at this stage.

WWE are still working on the rules of the flag match.

WWE flew some of the talent to the event on the company jet, rather than make them drive for 5 hours from last nights lives in San Jose.

Roman Reigns has new ring gear to debut.

There is concern over the live Network stream in Canada, apparently they are having some big tech issues.

Maria Menounos is going to be at the show, supporting Stephanie McMahon.

The new WWE title is expected to be debuted tonight, or tomorrow on Raw.

Ultimate Warrior's family have been invited.

Big Show and Mark Henry are scripted to have a backstage skit, but at this stage neither Sheamus nor the Uso's are going to be involved.

Total Diva's:

TD filmed another wedding episode last night, this time Eva Marie and her partner Jonathan, who have in fact been married for some time.

JR on TNA:

"I'm pulling for @IMPACTWRESTLING to survive & thrive but 7 minutes of wrestling in almost 60 minutes isn't strategic producing. #BadTrend"

TNA troubles:

TNA insiders say fans should not be celebrating the news of a change of night for their show as them staying with Spike, this is only a move for their remaining episodes at this stage. Wrestle 1 are concerned that the Bound For Glory cross over PPV will not have a channel to air it on, but Bully Ray has assured his fellow workers that everything is fine, and the promotion will not be closing it's doors, whatever happens with Spike.

Ex WWE star talks the toll addiction had on his life:

The Patriot said of his drug addiction during his WWF run...

"It was easy getting my hands on steroids. You could go into any gym and get them. It was like buying multi-vitamins. It was a big part of what we were doing." It was a big deal to be able to come back and work in the states for Vince (McMahon). To get a win over Bret Hart on Monday night was big. But I knew at that point it was a matter of time. I was battling injuries. I couldn't stay healthy."

He continued...

"A couple of pills before a match one night several months later had blown into 100 or 120 pills or tablets a day. It got completely out of control. You get hooked on the pain medication. It comes from the same plant that heroin comes from. It has the exact same qualities that heroin does, which is the most physically addictive drug there is. When you have a drug problem with opiates or heroin, and you try to come off of it cold turkey, the sickness you have to go through is unbearable. I can honestly say I don't know anything in my life that's ever intimidated more than the sickness you would go through trying to get off those things. There were so many days I would say, "God, I don't want to go through this, I'm tired of living like this.' You couldn't tolerate the throwing up, the horrible muscle aches and cramps and what your body would go through. That was a tough thing to overcome and deal with. It takes over to where your every waking moment is spent trying to find a way to get more pain pills. And that led to me calling in prescriptions myself. I learned how to do that from a buddy of mine who was a doctor. That led to a bunch of arrests which eventually led to prison."

He was released from jail in 2003, landed a job he still has to this day, and reunited with and married a childhood sweetheart last year.

Bella's to HOF:

Nikki and Brie Bella both agree that should they ever have the honour of HOF induction, Natalya Neidhart should be the one to induct them.

Connor The Crusher:

Stephanie McMahon has released a new shirt, a parody of Daniel Bryan's Yes, Yes, Yes, but with her name in place, a cheap heat ploy, but buy it anyway, she has announced all profits from the sale of the shirt is going directly to Connor The Crusher's charity.

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