Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Today's News

Chyna vs Stephanie McMahon:

Some fans were trying to add fuel to the long and often bitter feud between Chyna and Stephanie McMahon. They pointed out that Stephanie's attire was very similar to what she used to wear, and Chyna, who did not watch SummerSlam, asked someone to send her a picture to see for herself. When pushed for a comment on the matter she replied...

"Whether I say something good or bad about it, someone will say that I'm hating on her". When asked why she wanted to see the picture then, she said... "(I) just wanted to see what she had on.".


Former Tag star Rico was backstage last night visiting WWE.

The new title belt was presented to Brock Lesnar, all other titles have also had the logo added to them.

Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt in a SummerSlam rematch was the post show dark match, this time Jericho won.

WWE have written Dean Ambrose out of the stories. They say he escaped medical personnel and is now missing. He will be filming a movie during his time away.

WWE injury news:

John Cena has left a medical facility in Las Vegas, WWE say he had been there since SummerSlam undergoing MRI and other tests following his match on Sunday.

Fernando returned from his injury lay off this weekend.


WWE Alum Kaitlyn has revealed that last years Survivor Series match played a part in her decision to retire...

"It was totally a mess. I felt very insulted."

Bully Ray:

Bully Ray will still accept his TNA HOF induction, and Devon will stay around for a while yet, but it is becoming ever more clear to TNA that Bully Ray will not be returning to the promotion.


Sting is open to a match vs Bray Wyatt, who he says he likes a lot.

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