Monday, August 25, 2014

Today's News

WWE advertise Bryan:

Daniel Bryan is on the advertised list for the next European tour, which starts in November, Bad News Barrett is also on the list.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio is being teased for an appearance with WWC in Puerto Rico next week.

Raw tease:

Tonight's Raw will be visited by a number of Hall Of Famers, official tease...

* What will the Legends predict for Night of Champions?

* What will Cena have to say about his rematch?

* Will Mark Henry humble Rusev?

* How will Nikki Bella's new attitude pay off this week?

* With Dean Ambrose gone, what's next for Seth Rollins?

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt will headline.

TNA receive offer:

Not all good news for TNA. They are very relieved that the Discovery Channel's Velocity network are interested and have made a formal offer to host their programming, however, they have offered a quarter of the current financial income they receive from Spike, which may not be viable for their continued survival.

WWE injury:

The Miz was injured at last night's lives, he had to be helped back after taking a superkick and Zig Zag from Dolph Ziggler, he was dazed and needed to lean on a trainer to make it back to the locker room.

TNA lose former champion:

Bully Ray has now officially left TNA, his contract has now ended.

Hall Of Famer slams fellow inductee, reveals he is dying:

Superstar Billy Graham says he has 2 years to live due to complications from Hepatitis C, he used some time during his announcement to blast fellow HOF'er Abdullah The Butcher...

"The f--king worthless sub-human piece of s--t Abdullah. He never bladed me but as you know gave Hannibal Hep C which almost killed him and is going to kill me. The liver docs have recently told me I have about 2 years left then my liver fails and I take my final bump. So f--k Abdullah and I hope he dies a miserable death."

Kevin Steen:

Kevin Steen has started work at the PC.

Piper vs The World:

During a one man show Roddy Piper called Ric Flair as ''A$$hole, who can't keep his d!ck in his pants'' and revealed a backstage argument he once had with Vince McMahon, Piper claimed Vince insulted him once, leading to Piper telling Vince that he was a failed concert promoter, a failed bodybuilding promoter and a failed football promoter, and that the only business Vince has succeeded in is the one his daddy handed to him.

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