Friday, August 15, 2014

Today's News


ROH star Raymond Rowe was involved in a serious motorcycle accident yesterday, suffering deep lacerations, bruising and most notably a broken arm, so badly damaged that he needed surgery. ROH say he will be benched indefinitely.

Alberto Del Rio vs WWE:

WWE are looking at playing hardball with Alberto Del Rio. They plan to enforce a contract length no compete clause, rather than the standard 90 day, as they did with Jim Ross following his controversial departure last summer. WWE do not want Alberto to appear for other promotions, especially TNA, during the period he was signed to them for. Interestingly the embargo would include AAA, but Alberto is going to appear against the wishes of WWE. He is also using his WWE name during media in the country, apparently to annoy the WWE suits. The situation is said to be very acrimonious.

Highlights from his press conference...

* He said WWE own the name Alberto Del Rio, and asked to be called El Patron from now on.

* He told fans that he could not debut for AAA for 90 days, but his lawyers were working on getting him free in time to debut this Sunday, he went so far as to make a challenge to one of AAA's champions.

* He refused to talk about WWE, but said he would address the situation in the coming weeks, he did confess to a backstage incident, and would say no more.

* He would not be drawn on Rey Mysterio's status, but a AAA official said they would be open to talking to him, but cannot until his WWE deal expires.

* He ended by saying he cannot work in America for 1 year, as he breached his WWE deal, this means he cannot work in MMA or wrestling for the duration of his contract, he hopes that does not apply to Mexico, and has his lawyers working on it.

Rey Mysterio:

WWE spokespeople have ended speculation of Rey Mysterio appearing for AAA this weekend, they say they were not asked about Rey's availability to appear, and would not allow a contracted talent to appear even if they were.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle says he stayed with TNA for seven years because of the WWE schedule, but only has 2-3 years left, and hinted he wants to finish where he started. He also said his neck has been fine for 9 years, possibly responding to those that feel he could not pass the WWE medical.


TNA have headed WWE off at the pass. Before the giant WWE can officially announce they are moving SmackDown back to Thursday's, they have announced Impact will move to Wednesday's for their remaining time with Spike, the move starts next week.

TNA star joins protest:

MVP has gone to Ferguson, Missouri to protest the death at the hands of a police officer, of a teenager.

Dean Ambrose lands movie:

Dean Ambrose will be going off the road post SummerSlam. He will star in Lockdown, where he plays a cop, trapped inside his precinct by a gang of crooks who are hoping to destroy evidence against them... (So, basically it is Assault On Precinct 13)...

AJ Lee / CM Punk:

CM Punk joined a viral campaign to raise awareness of ALS, AJ threw a bucket of ice cold water over his head. The Rock and Triple H later joined the craze also.

New Nation:

Xavier Woods has been asked what happened to his ''New Nation Of Domination'' faction, he responded...

"No clue not a part of it, but if I did have a group then I'd use our intelligence as the focus rather than our race#Its2014"

Roman Reigns bites back:

Roman Reigns has responded to people who say he is not ready for the top level push he is getting...

"Everyone has an opinion. That's just a crazy part of this world now. You can type things on the internet. You can have no credentials in any area and just get on your smart phone and write whatever you want. For me, I know me. I know who I am. I know where I come from and where I want to go. I know I'm 100% ready. Everyone else seems to have an opinion, and claim to know, whether I am or I'm not. I would love to see all the people who run their mouths try and do what I do. Because they can't. I'm special and then men that I work with are extremely special. We were built, and I was born, to handle situations the way I do. I've always been the type who can be thrown in the fire and make it out. So I was ready six months ago. I was ready a year ago. Any time I'm given an opportunity, I feel I'm ready."

New star flops:

WWE have officially dropped the push for Bo Dallas, he is one of a number of stars Vince McMahon has lost faith in.


Konnan will have hip replacement surgery next week. He has also started a boycott ''Racist WWE'' campaign. He says comments by Ricardo Rodriguez, earlier this week, and the firing of Alberto Del Rio show that racism goes right to the very top of WWE, and that Vince McMahon and Triple H need to be held accountable for their actions.

Daniel Bryan interview:

On his WWE return...

"I mean, I'm hoping soon, but I don't think the doctors are thinking it's going to be that soon. The problem is nobody really knows. I'm doing my best to recover as fast as possible."

On the possibility of taking on a non wrestling role....

"I don't know. I feel like if I can come back to wrestle, then it's best to just wait until I can come back to wrestle. Not being around is good for when you come back — if you're constantly being seen and that sort of thing. I'd rather just be off getting better."

Hulk Hogan:

Hogan says he is bigger than Stone Cold Steve Austin, responding to comments made by Steve recently...

"I think that's in his own mind. My career was twice as long as his. I've been a main eventer since 1978 when we sold out Shea Stadium. I just totally disagree with him. I know he had a good run when he was in the Attitude Era. I don't know how long the Attitude Era was — four years, eight years — I don't know how long it was. That's where we totally disagree. Maybe he and I should lock up and figure this thing out. That would be a nice match."

To be fair to Steve he didn't say he was better, he said if you ask me who is better I would say me, but if you ask him, he would say it was him, and then it was up to fans to determine whose legacy stands the test of time.

He then went on to talk about Ultimate Warrior's last night and how he heard he had died...

"He came back, I gave him another big hug after Raw. Next night [SmackDown taping] I go in the ring with Daniel Bryan doing the "Yes!" thing, the ear thing (cups ear) and posing. I come out of the ring and Vince [McMahon] is standing over there. He was staring at me."

"What's up with that?" Hogan thought to himself.

Hogan then signaled for Vince to give a phone call later.

"I never do that and then I walked off. I told Jimmy Hart, "Jimmy, something's weird. You know, Vince never just stands there and stares at me like that," recalled Hogan.

"So I went back and I said, "Are you cool, are you okay? He goes, "Sit down for a minute, let me tell you something."

"I don't know if another rib's coming. I don't know what he's going to set me up with, 'cause you never know, he's full of it. And he goes, "Nobody knows yet, but while you were in the ring, we got the word that Jim passed away."

Hogan responded, "What?!"

He concludes by saying, "Thank God I got to talk to him."

Talk is Jericho:

Bray Wyatt called into Chris Jericho's latest podcast, and the two men had some choice words for each other.

Evan Bourne talks most embarrassing moment:

"I'm gonna have to say the most embarrassing Diva moment happened while I was at FCW (now known as NXT). While I was there, there was a new Diva fresh off modeling. Her name was Taryn Terrell. You may have heard of her, people may know her. This lovely young blonde was very, very new to wrestling. They get her in the ring, she trained, she's athletic, so put her in the ring and have her do matches. We did matches I think on Tuesday nights at this bar called Bourbon Street. We had a little 16 foot ring set up in the building and there would be shows weekly. This particular night, Taryn Terrell is in a mixed tag match. It was a God awful match. At the end, I believe she did a facebuster. The girl of course lands down, that's the finish, you go to cover. She (Taryn) basically grabbed the leg, tried to pin her while she was face down, trying to get that 1-2-3 on a face down opponent. My brain exploded. At the time I was much more cynical about people who weren't awesome at wrestling. I had a good laugh at that too. I think she just went for the pin, she didn't know the difference. She was that fresh to it."

Michelle Beadle:

The TV hostess that had a confrontation with AJ Lee last year has cut a WWE style promo, with some help from a famous face.

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