Thursday, August 7, 2014

Today's News


WWE are playing down the move back to Thursday nights for SmackDown...

"Someone was overzealous in updating our production trucks. The trucks are being fixed to reflect the current and accurate information of Fridays at 8 p.m."


The Uso's vs The Wyatt Family vs RybAxel vs Gold/StarDust is expected to be the pre show match.

Ricky Steamboat:

Ricky Steamboat no longer works for WWE day to day, but does still have his legends deal.


Charlotte is expected to drop the NXT Women's belt at Takeover 2, as she, and Kalisto have been shortlisted for a fast track promotion to the full roster. The Ascension are also set to get the move in the coming months.

WWE release veteran:

Mark Yeaton, WWE's timekeeper for decades was fired during the recent budget cuts, only Howard Finkel had been around longer.


Spike Officials attended this weeks TNA tapings in New York, worryingly one of the shows drew a very poor crowd, and TNA had people giving tickets away to pedestrians in the street, trying to fill the arena.

Officials told the talent that the talks with Spike are still alive, and the news was received positively.

WWE star prepares for retirement:

Titus O'Neill did not go to Australia. He has begun training to become a sports coach.

Sunny on getting into wrestling:

"Well my high school sweetheart was Chris Candido and I was going to college on a full academic scholarship, I was going to be a plastic surgeon. He got hired for Smokey Mountain in Knoxville, TN and I transferred schools down there. Within a month Jim Cornette hired me because he needed a girl on TV that no one has seen before. That 6 months lasted 2 and a half years and then I got a phone call from Bruce Prichard from the WWF (then) and I was hired…"

Hulk Hogan:

Despite making it clear that he wants to wrestle again, WWE's position on Hogan has not changed, he is considered a retired ambassador. Meanwhile, Hogan is warning promoters not to trust a man who is taking bookings in his name.

Triple H on Husky Harris / Bray Wyatt:

"He wasn't quite connecting with the crowd. Decent hand. Talented kid. Right person. They were going to let him go and I said, 'Let me take him and do something with him.' We moved that character to NXT. We put some other people around him that fit the package. Moved him back onto Raw and Smackdown, and he's one of our most popular superstars Bray Wyatt. I'll go out on a limb and say in 10 years Bray Wyatt will be one of the most memorable characters in WWE."

On CM Punk (Without mentioning him by name)...

"There is no one performer who is bigger than the WWE. There are superstar performers and megastar performers like John Cena. But he's still not bigger than the WWE. Why doesn't anyone 'hold us up'? Because it would only be a short-term gain. There's no upside for them behind it''

Batista digs WWE:

''It had to do with the fact that (the WWE and I) weren't seeing eye-to-eye, creatively. The stuff they were doing with story lines just didn't make sense to me. ... I'd love to go back. I'm a professional wrestler at heart and I miss it. But I want to be there and be happy with what I'm doing."


Speculation is rising that Kane is bringing his movie character Jacob Goodnight to WWE, it is thought his taking off of the mask is the beginning of a gimmick change to promote the upcoming release of the sequel to See No Evil.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan's house burgler has led to the arrests of a large criminal gang who had been targeting homes in the Phoenix area for a long while.

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