Saturday, August 9, 2014

Today's News

Alberto Del Rio:

More light has been shed on the Alberto Del Rio situation. It is being reported that the head of social media, Cody Barbierri, made a racial joke, with ADR as the butt. As part of the budget cuts in WWE, the company have scaled back on their catering, and staff now have to remove and clean up after themselves, rather than having a team of employees to do it for them. After eating with his team at this weeks taping's, Mr. Barbierri, reportedly stood up to leave the table without taking his plate away to wash, when one of his team members told him he needed to put his dish away he allegedly joked that that was Alberto Del Rio's job. Word of this got back to Alberto, who sought him out and challenged him on the comment, Barbierri was apparently unapologetic, going so far as to laugh at the former champion's anger, then ADR did, what ADR did, and WWE took the action they took.

WWE are taking a pounding on social media over it however, and they made a rare response, tweeting on the company's account, and Triple H's personal account...

"@VivaDelRio is responsible for his own actions. If you're angry at anyone, be angry at Alberto. There's no excuse for a pro athlete not to conduct themselves in a professional manner."

They have also been challenged on the different action they took against AJ Lee, when she got into a backstage confrontation with TV star Michelle Beadle last year. WWE are accused of letting her get away with similarly unprofessional behaviour because of who she is dating, WWE say the opposite is the case, she was fired for the incident, but Vince McMahon stepped in to overturn the decision.

Sting on Owen Hart:

Sting says he changed his ring entrance due to the death of Owen Hart in 1999...

"Oh yeah, I sure did. As a matter of fact, I was boarding a plane to go do another event. We were doing Nitro and I was boarding a plane taking a redeye flight out and I got a phone call to my cell phone and it said, 'From CNN News, Owen Hart Has Just Been Killed' and it described how it happened. Of course it was shocking and you just can't believe what your hearing. Then I landed and I saw some of the guys who were going to help do some of the rigging for my gig and I said 'We're not going to be doing this' and they said, 'Why?' and I said, "Owen Hart died.' I talked to Bret and I said, 'What do you think? I'm not going to do it if you don't want me to do it and if your family doesn't want me to do it… I will not do it.' He ended up talking to his family about it and he called me and said, 'Steve, we're all fine with it. Go ahead; it's not going to hurt.'"

Landmark for Jericho:

Today is the 15th anniversary of Y2J's WWE debut, to celebrate, WWE have listed his top 10 moments.


TNA's last TV episode on Spike could be on September 25, the episode is taped and ready to air.

Hulk Hogan:

Sting is not booked at this time for the Hulk Hogan's birthday Raw, coming up next week, but that may change.


Konnor was bust open badly at a live event this week, he fell off the top rope and landed on the floor.

WWE veteran announces retirement:

Prince Albert / Albert / A-Train / Tensai has confirmed he is no longer an in ring performer...

"I've actually hung up the boots for in-ring work, and I'm living a dream come true now. I've always had a passion of teaching and coaching, and that is what I'm able to do today."

WWE drop faction:

It appears WWE have dropped the Big E. / Kofi / Xavier Woods group already, they have been performing independently on the Aussie tour.

Steiner snubs WWE:

Scott Steiner has revealed he does not want to sign the legends deal WWE have offered him...

"Well, I've been asked for a Legends contract unfortunately, my lawyer explained to me that it's not worth the paper it's written on."

He is not the only one, Bret Hart has refused to sign one, explaining that he did not want to be owned by Vince's empire...

"I think I'm one of the few guys that doesn't because—these Legends contracts sound great, but they own your soul. It's like signing your life to the devil. I'm Bret 'the Hitman' Hart and I don't want to give WWE my name. It took me fourteen years of hard labor to own the rights to my name. That was one of the conditions when I left. To go back now and just give it to them - I'm doing fine with it on my own. I don't like to be owned by WWE; I like to be good friends with them."

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