Thursday, August 21, 2014

Today's News

Kurt Angle blows WWE return:

Kurt Angle telephoned Triple H personally to discuss returning to the promotion, but was not able to agree terms. He then telephoned Vince McMahon who told him that Triple H runs talent relations and he would need to speak to him about coming back. Triple H heard about Angle trying to go over his head, and is said to be very upset at the lack of respect, so Mr. Angle's hopes of a WWE return seem a little slimmer than they already were due to his damaged body.

Angle is not the only one, WWE have little to no interest in bringing Bully Ray back, mainly due to a personal feud with Randy Orton, but his age is also said to be a factor.


Total Diva's asked for the Bella Twins to be split up, to add to their show's dynamic, they have also confirmed that Rosa Mendes will be the lead antagonist on the next season, as Summer Rae missed a lot of the filming whilst making a movie.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio is coming back to America, he is ready to speak out, and he plans to defy the WWE ban on him working in the States, after advice from his lawyer confirmed what he believed, the ban is non constitutional and would be deemed illegal if challenged in court.

Some of what he plans to say is already being teased, such as...

* His anger that Cody Barbierri is still employed by WWE.

* Triple H telling him to keep quiet and they would bring him back in a few months.

* His rejection of a WWE return.

* The support from top WWE names, including John Cena, Randy Orton and Big Show, who all promised to get him back as soon as is possible.

Stay there:

WWE do not feel Dean Ambrose is a main event player, despite his huge and growing popularity. Probably because he can't do the same move 25 times in a single match.

HHH / Vince feud:

Alberto Del Rio's situation is being reported as another sign of the feud going on behind the curtain, between Triple H and Vince McMahon. McMahon initially dealt with the issue by telling ADR to forget it and move on, Triple H went further and banned him, then fired him the same day, after threats of legal action by the victim. It is said Vince is not happy about Triple H taking further action, without consulting him.

Not just ADR though, Triple H is upset with Vince over Rey Mysterio. Triple H and Rey had a handshake agreement that Rey was going to be allowed to leave WWE at the end of his deal this year, and the split would be mutual and amicable, in the hopes of maintaining a good relationship with the former champ, and to have him as an ambassador in the future. But Vince went over his head, contacting one of the TR staff working under Hunter, and renewed Rey's contract by taking advantage of a never before used clause in all WWE talent contracts, whereas a deal can be renewed by the company should a star miss any length of the time during their contracted dates. Rey had been injured repeatedly during his most recent run, and WWE felt he owed them another year to make it up. Rey is refusing to work the dates, and is not cashing his paycheques from WWE in protest of the actions of Vince McMahon, also, should he take them to court he would need to prove he was not accepting payments from them from the day his original deal ended.

WWE movie:

Hulk Hogan will star in the next WWE movie. He will play a nightclub owner that is down on his luck, and in debt to gangsters, so is hired as a hitman to kill d-list celebs, namely David Hasselhoff.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan will be out for another 3 months on top of his current absence, he needs elbow tendon surgery.

TNA star pregnant:

Christy Hemme is with child, she says she is due to give birth on New Years Eve.

Olympian rejects WWE:

Henry Cejudo (Pictured) had been promised the new top Latino babyface spot, taking over from Rey Mysterio, but his meeting with WWE officials to go through his deal, set for the SummerSlam weekend, did not take place, the 2008 gold medalist has decided to go to MMA instead, although he says he will consider WWE again in the future...

"I've always watched WWE ever since I was a little kid. But MMA right now is my No. 1 priority. Maybe WWE in the future, but as of now, I'm sticking straight to the UFC and my fighting career. It might be worth trying it out some day, but as of right now, I solely train and think about MMA."

SummerSlam 2015:

WWE have reportedly been priced out of hosting SummerSlam in Madison Square Garden next year, so will likely head to the MetLife Stadium instead.

RVD heat:

After refusing the Ice Bucket Challenge yesterday, Rob Van Dam is taking some abuse on social media. He however remains clear he will not take part in the craze, he also refused to confirm or deny that he made the donation to charity as a forfeit for not doing the ice water task, saying he will keep that information private.

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