Monday, September 1, 2014

Today's News

NXT injury:

Solomon Crow chipped a bone in his leg this past weekend, unfortunately the in ring accident happened on his birthday.

WWE injury:

Zeb Colter has tweeted before tonights Raw that he is ready to come back following his SummerSlam injury.

Jake The Snake update:

Kizarny has released another update on his Friend, Hall Of Famer, Jake The Snake Roberts...

''Jake underwent a Bronchoscopy... An evasive surgery to remove flem etc trapped in his lungs... He is breathing better but still on ventilator. In the moments of Jake being awake from sedation today he was telling jokes & messing with nurses! That is a good sign!!! That's Jake being Jake! Tomorrow or next day docs will give Jake oxygen tests to see how well he can breath without ventilator and proceed from there... GetBetterJake"

TNA champ on TV deals:

Bobby Lashley has weighed in on the TV deals drama, and is very positive on TNA's future...

"I don't think we're going anywhere. The ratings have been phenomenal and are going up every week, so I don't think Spike is going to get rid of TNA. If they got rid of TNA it wouldn't make any sense unless they're going to bring something bigger on there. And right now I think TNA is the greatest thing that they have going for them, with the exception of Bellator. So I'm not even worried about it. I think it's all going to hash out by the end of the year. We're going to get that deal signed, and we're probably going to stay with Spike."

Use a diva for ad space:

AJ Lee sported one of her friend Kaitlyn's new range of sports clothing on Raw this week, Kaitlyn, a former WWE star herself, used the free publicity to offer a special deal to people using a codeword when purchasing from her site.

Raw tease:

* What hard-hitting questions does Jericho have for Orton?

* How will John Cena respond to Brock Lesnar?

* What is going on between "frenemies" AJ Lee and Paige?

* Will Roman Reigns get his hands on Seth Rollins?

* How will Brie Bella move past her sister's cruel actions and words?

Hall Of Famer on Steph's return:

Trish Stratus has revealed she provided morale support to Stephanie McMahon before SummerSlam, as Steph was concerned about her ability to perform after so long away, Trish also praised both women in the match...

"I texted Stephanie and told her, 'Girl, you're looking good -- great to see you out there again.' She was freaking out over not having worked for so long. But she looked fantastic. I love watching Stephanie, and I love how she's come out to help build Brie Bella by putting her in this program. And I think Brie did an excellent job -- she's a great character, and a great person, and great for the product as well. It's tons of pressure to work with the boss, and (you have) to be your best every week. If you're given the opportunity, and you come through, that's great. That's the kind of challenge I love."

5 time, 5 time:

R-Truth has revealed he is to become a Father for the fifth time, he says this will be his last child.

WWE snub HOF'er:

WWE are no longer granting their talent the permission required for them to appear on Jim Ross' podcast. This has not been a problem until recently, he had to cancel a planned chat with Ric Flair, saying on Twitter...

"Flair's a wwe guy. WWE hasn't approved any podcast guests for me."

Huge success for WWE man:

Batista's comic hero movie, Guardians, is now the highest earning movie of 2014.

AAA to flout WWE ban:

Konnan says AAA and the El Rey Network are working on getting Alberto Del Rio on their show, for episodes to be taped in October, however this is within ADR's 90 day no compete clause. ADR is on his way to Mexico to finalise his deal.

Hall Of Famer pops for fellow inductee:

In a rare move, Superstar Billy Graham has praised a fellow star, Booker T...

"Hello Facebook friends. I wanted to honor a man that grew up in Houston watching me perform and then became one of the great mega performers himself. None other than the "bad to the bone" Booker-T !!! Here is a photo of us together backstage at Raw, two nights after I was inducted into the WWE 2004 Hall of Fame, something that I am very proud of. Booker T has more charisma in one finger than half of the current WWE roster combined. A great, humble man of class and dignity. I love and respect this man that caused fans to jump out of their chairs when they saw him hit the ring !! There will never be another one like him. Thank you Booker for the excitement that you brought and bring to wrestling, and more importantly, thank you for your friendship, Superstar."

Bella's pulled:

The Bella Twins were pulled from an appearance together at the last minute this weekend, probably to sell their current feud.

AJ Styles on joining WWE:

"It sure doesn't seem like the right time to be going to WWE. I think the best place for me right now is New Japan. I'm happy with everything that's going on there right now."

Jim Ross blogs on TNA:

JR used his weekly blog to tell TNA they need to change, he said they need to get their TV status sorted and then reboot their product, here is a snapshot of what he said...

"TNA's gotta change the way they present their product if they do get in a new environment, and if they do, they have to become the alternative to the WWE and not be compared as a 'WWE lite' comparison."

He also went on to say he disagrees with the McMahon / Triple H attitude to UFC. He concedes that they are very different entities, but that they should be considered competition, because they are both in the PPV market, and earning the money from their rights could be affected by a strong or better promoted UFC show, he suggested that the sometimes blinkered view of the top WWE officials regarding other promotions could be detrimental to their future success.

CM Punk is not happy:

Someone at CM Punk and AJ Lee's wedding this summer has posted a picture of the happy couple getting hitched, the internet found it and it has been spreading via social media like wildfire. The groom is not impressed with the breach of his privacy, tweeting...

"Tweet that pic and I block you. Simple. And I block you because I can't punch you in your disrespectful f---ing face. Pigs."

Not wanting to upset Punky, I won't post the image, but here is a link if you are interested.

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