Monday, September 8, 2014

Today's News

Triple H talks WWE debut:

"Vince liked what I was doing and the character, but he wanted me to be American," he explained. "I didn't know what the name was at first, so they brought me to Columbus, to TV, just so I could meet everybody and get to know all the guys a little bit. They had asked me to think up a bunch of names to give some input on it and I had a whole bunch of names in mind…and J.J. (Dillon) called me in the room and said, 'We've got your name. You're going to be Reginald DuPont Helmsley' and I was like, 'Holy cow! Here I am in the bad name category again!'"

He said JJ Dillon came up with the name he eventually used (Hunter Hearst Helmsley), and Shawn Michaels gave him his current moniker of Triple H.

Batista talks WCW tryout:

''I went and had this awful tryout with WCW and they ran me out the door and told me to never come back," he laughed. "I went down to the Power Plant…they were having open tryouts; you know, you just show up and pay $300, which at that time was a lot of money for me. I went down there at 340 pounds, was all jacked up, went down with a buddy of mine and Sarge and he jumped in our faces and just got on us and he wanted nothing more than to just run us out the door. He was just a bitter troll of a man."

Rosa reveals secret:

Rosa Mendes told her fellow diva's that she went into rehab, during her sabbatical from WWE, for alcohol issues, on Total Diva's this week.

Bruno Sammartino:

Bruno's assistant is warning fans in New Jersey that an advertised appearance by the Hall Of Famer is bogus, he is not booked, and will not be appearing.

Raw tease:

* Will Orton's aggression lead to an Authority victory over Reigns?

* Will Wyatt's buzzards be circling the steel cage?

* Does Rusev fear Mark Henry?

* Can Jerry Springer keep the peace between The Bella Twins?

* Is John Cena truly prepared for Night of Champions?

Vince Russo blasts Spike TV:

''I've been holding this back for years and I finally get to say this. I felt like Hannibal Lecter when he was strapped in and had his mouth wired shut. Spike TV is a horrible partner. Why TNA would ever want to partner with Spike is beyond me unless there were no other options. If Spike TV were the only option to stay on television then I would understand it. They are a horrible partner, they know nothing about the wrestling business. The way they advertised and marketed the program over the years was absolutely atrocious.''

Move over Cole:

Stephanie McMahon is personally championing Renee Young to become the new lead announcer on Raw. She, as many in WWE are, is very high on the Canadian, and wants to give her the chance to shine, in what has traditionally been a male dominated area of the promotions history.

WWE Alum returning... to ROH:

Evan Bourne has signed on to return to Ring Of Honor.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee will return to the road for live events for the first time since early August this weekend.

Triple H takes credit for Attitude Era?:

Triple H says he took part in a meeting during the WWE slump that kick started the most successful period in the then WWF's history. He says he was asked to talk frankly about who deserved to be on the roster, and who didn't (Naming Bam Bam Bigelow, Doink The Clown, and Abe Schwarz as being detrimental), before saying to Vince, and the other officials present...

"In my mind… the first spark of the Attitude Era that I ever saw was in that room. Because the conversation…was based on reality. 'Why do we have Doink the Clown? Basketball players just wear basketball uniforms…Why can't we just be wrestlers? Why do we have to be firemen or cops or doctors? What can't it be just be more real? Let's stop insulting intelligence and get rid of the camp.' And Vince was really into the conversation."

UFC star blasts pro wrestling fans:

Joe Rogan was talking to a comedian that revealed he turned down a lot of money to join WWE creative, because he found it to be "grueling" and "creepy." Rogan, who is a host of the UFC show, not a fighter from what I understand, then exploded with a sh*t storm of venum against the sport and it's fans. A taste of what he said for you...

"You know what else could stun that audience?. A f-cking simple card trick!. MMA (is) real, while wrestling (is) some weird, f--king jerk-off thing that strange guys do when they sit in front of the TV and pretend that they don't know it's fake. Wrestling looks like "bulls--t."

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