Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Today's News

Wade Barrett reveals return date:

''Yes, I have been out for a while. I'm going through my recovery phase right now. It has been great, I'm feeling great. I will be back probably by December, with WWE doing their European tour this winter.''


Bully Ray and Davey Richards (Back following injury) are in attendance for tonight's TNA taping's.


Havok beat Gail Kim to win the Knockout's Title at the taping's...


SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Jimmy Uso vs Stardust...

* Cesaro & The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler & Sheamus...

* Adam Rose vs Heath Slater...

* Big Show, Diego & Fernando vs The Wyatt Family...

* Nikki Bella vs Paige...

* Bo Dallas vs Jack Swagger...

* Roman Reigns vs Rusev...


WWE star makes TNA debut:

Brodus Clay is now a TNA star, he debuted last night (Photo).

Evan Bourne interview:

On who he wishes he got to work with in WWE...

''Antonio Cesaro - It eats at me every day.''

On wrestler lying to the office to allow him to use the Shooting Star...

''The landing is the worst part. No real right way. However, I never landed it the wrong way, which is to say I never hurt anyone. However, the first SSP I gave in WWE was to Matt Striker and it is was much much stiffer than usual. When he got to the back he told everyone it was perfect. That was very key in getting unlimited use with it.''

On favourite opponents...

''Chavo, The Colons, Mark Henry, Tyson Kidd, Kane and more...''

On why he made it to WWE...

''Size has been the key to my success. It forced me to differentiate and be unique. That's how I got to WWE and why I was in WWE.''

On how he was fired...

''It was a FAX''

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho may work one more date before going off the road, WWE have asked him to do next Monday's Raw.

The Bunny is:

Sami Zayn. An eagle eyed fan noticed when he delivered a frog splash that the man in the suit was wearing the wrist tape Zayn uses. He has played the part 3 times in recent weeks.

WWE threaten fans:

WWE were telling fans not to hold up $9.99 signs at SmackDown last night, going so far as to threaten them with ejection from the event if they did not hand them over.

Jack Swagger has revealed the current rib going in WWE:

"...Going around now, me and Zeb call it 'Paparazzi.' I'll set someone up and I'll turn their back to Zeb, come up from behind and scare them. And the whole time there's a videotape, but they don't know it. And a couple seconds later we'll send them a video and when they're watching, we'll come up and scare them again. We've gotten like six people with it already. Tom Phillips will jump at anything. Renee Young. We really target announcers, it seems like. Rosa Mendes will jump all the time. The pie in the sky would be if I can turn it around and get Zeb at his own game."

Attitude Era, edging back?:

WWE are going to start a lesbian love story between AJ Lee and Paige. This is reportedly one of a number of what they describe as ''Edgier'' angles they have planned for the near future.

He's not ready:

Dr Tom Prichard says Roman Reigns has too far to go to get a top run yet...

"Reigns has a way to go in the ring and on the mic. They shouldn't throw him into something that he's not ready for. I don't see anyone with the exception of The Rock who could stand toe to toe with Brock after Cena."

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