Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Today's News

Connor The Crusher:

WWE are dedicating the month of September to Connor Michalek, the young Daniel Bryan fan that died shorty after WrestleMania. They will display gold ribbons, as part of a month of fundraising and awareness campaigning for pediatric cancer month. They have not yet released details of how they will honour young Connor during the month, details will likely follow in the coming days.

WWE signing:

WWE have signed Willie Mack to NXT.

Like, let's do it again Scoob:

WWE will make a second Scooby Doo animated movie, following the success of WrestleMania mystery (Which I have never seen, probably should have TBH). The new one will be out in 2016.

WWE to support gay sports star:

An American footballer, who was cut from his team, despite performing well for them has been invited to Raw next week. He came out recently, and it is speculated that the reason his team no longer wanted his services is because of his orientation, not his talent. WWE have offered him the chance to tell his side of the story. The player however is likely going to reject, although, he hasn't yet, because he is on his way to Dallas to try to get a contract with another team.

This has offended their own openly gay star Darren Young, who tweeted...

"So @WWE will allow this Michael Sam guy to have an open mic but not their own @DarrenYoungWWE?" Ironic that @WWE is worrying about @MichaelSamNFL even tho @DarrenYoungWWE came out, works for them and they never mentioned it at all. #smh"

They did on social media, and their site, but I cannot remember if it was ever mentioned on TV, so I am not sure if this is airing of legit feelings, or a build for a possible angle between Young, and Michael Sam, who Young supported during his coming out, after the NFL star reached out to him in response to Young making his own announcement, so I don't believe their is any real world animosity between the pair.

Main stream media in the US have picked up on the invite, including Fox, Huffington Post and CBS.

Stephanie McMahon wrote this invite to him...

Exhibiting class and dignity rarely shown in professional sports, Michael Sam, WWE invites you to next Monday's Raw to speak of your struggles to succeed, lessons you have learned along the way, the courage it takes to be yourself and the prospects of your continued journey. You are a role model, who, by example, can encourage everyone to stand up and openly be themselves. Stephanie McMahon CBO, WWE.


Naomi returned from injury last night.

Jey Uso was injured, WWE say, by the attack from Goldust and StarDust. He is said to have strained ligaments, and possibly has some fractures to his knee.

WWE removed a number of fans signs, and ejected one fan for a sign about WCW being on the Network for $9.99, which was visible on screen early into the show. It read along the lines of he would rather be at home watching Nitro for $9.99.

The fan took to social media to rail against the company, with some very colourful language...

"Got kicked out of raw for the I could be home watching Nitro for $9.99 sign. I got threatened with arrest. They tried getting my id for records. f--k the entire company. They kicked me out because of the sign. It's fine that I got kicked out but trying to bully me. Bring it. The piece of s--t guy in the suit with the WWE logo on his suit is a little b---h yes man for Vince. They threatened me with everything in the the book and I walked out of the arena on my own will. f--k Vince trips and Steph suck my f--king d--k you c--ts. They came up to me at about 9pm and we're like give me the signs. I was like which one. They took one of the three I had and walked away 2 minutes later came back with a big black guy in a suit and asked me to follow them. Which I didn't told them to f--k off. Which they threatened me with arrest and I laughed in their face. After about 5 minutes of time being assholes I walked to the area where they sell everything and tried talking to them. All I got was surrounded by d--k heads in suits telling me WWE didn't like me and wanted me gone. I refused to leave and begged them to bring the Des Moines police department so I could be taken to jail and they wouldn't. I walked down out on my own free will after being fed up with the bulls--t f--k the WWE and their bullying"

Damien Sandow promises change:

"The jester as we know is meant to entertain everyone. And if we look at the jester's position, the jester is around the middle of the card. Now while most people think the jester's position is permanently on the midcard, some of us have an Ace up our sleeve. Watch and pay attention to this weeks #Sandow60 . Mark my words , I meant what I said. Patience is a virtue. You will never see it coming."

Ryder punished:

Zack Ryder has been punished on TV by getting squashed by Rusev. The punishment is because of a number of critical tweets about his position, and a backstage ''JTG moment'' at last weeks Raw. He was sent home by WWE from last weeks TV taping's, but at the time played it down as him not being needed, it now seems there was more to it. It was particularly disappointing, because he wore ring gear designed by a fan after a competition, and did not get much chance to show it off.

Ryder tweeted after the match...

"Ok I get it. @RusevBUL crushed me...again."

Lance Storm refuses Ice challenge, and blasts organisers:

"The first flaw is that a lot of people taking up this challenge are just doing creative videos of themselves dumping water on their heads as a vanity project to get attention and pat themselves on the back for all the good they are doing, despite not donating a single penny. The excuse or denial here is "Well at least we are creating awareness, look at the national donations, they are way up". Way to pass the buck. I'm sure you're individual video was the one that made the difference. For those who did in fact donate or are pacified with the "I've created awareness" we then have the second flaw.What is the ALSA doing with all of this money? The truth is the vast majority of the money you are donating is not going towards research and finding a cure for ALS. The numbers are disputed somewhat. I've heard people claim as low as 7% is going towards research and the ALSA claims that number is closer to 27%. Lets for the sake of convenience and benefit of the doubt, use 25%. Three quarters of the money you donate to help find a cure isn't going where you want it to. Most of it is going towards "Awareness and Education", which could be translated to be read "Advertising and Promotions" to ensure more money gets donated so they can again put only one quarter of it towards what they are claiming it's for in their promotion and advertising. It is a deceitful cycle that keeps a lot of people employed earning great livings while delivering very little of the money donated to the cause they are promoting. To this we offer ourselves the excuse, "Well 25% is better than nothing, that is still a lot of money, and someone has to run these charities" To this I offer you the popular concept of cutting out the middle man. Why are we donating to these Charity groups that only deliver a small percentage of our donations to the research groups? Why not donate directly to the people that are actually doing the work, the people trying to discover treatments and cures? This is the third and final flaw. The reason we don't donate directly is because then we would discover that the portion of our donation that isn't going towards salaries and advertising, that 25% that we think is actually doing good, is going into the pockets of Big Pharma. Yes the pharmaceutical companies are getting your money. You are giving your money to some of the biggest, richest, most profitable companies in the world. You are helping cover the cost of their research and development programs to allow them to make higher profits. You are not financing new research, this is research they are already doing. This is how they make their money after all. They create new drugs to treat diseases, and when they find a new treatment they patent it and sell it back to you at a huge profit. Think about that for a minute. Millions upon millions of dollars are being GIVEN to a company to help find a cure or treatment of a disease and if they find a cure/treatment, the people you GAVE that money to will then patent that cure and sell it back to you at a huge profit. Wait...What...profit? I thought we donated to Charity, a non-profit organization. Oh right that's another reason why we don't donate directly to the people doing the research if we did they wouldn't be able to claim it as a non-profit or a charity, and they are creating these drugs with the sole intention of making profits, hundreds or millions of dollars in profits. Yes your good intentioned donations, or at least the part that isn't going towards salaries and advertising, that huge 25% of it, is going towards increasing the profit margins of some of the richest most profitable companies in the world. Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

He went on to say he would rather find a sufferer of the disease and give them a $100 directly, and in person.

Jake The Snake update:

From Kizarny...

''Jake is making progress on his breathing treatments quicker then expected! Hopefully be off ventilator in a couple days... He's resilient! Today when he was awake I joked with the doctors & asked if they could give him fake boobs or at least a face transplant... Jake smiled & gave me the finger lol Which means he's feeling better! ?#?FeelBetterJake?"

AAA snubbed:

A score of WWE and TNA stars past have rejected the chance to work for their new show, including Kaz, The Young Bucks, Zeke, and many more. One man that will be involved will be Chavo Guerrero, although in a backstage role. The main issue is the amount offered as salary for the deals, and the exclusivity clause that El Rey wanted, meaning those that join up would not be able to work the indies.

Matt Hardy slams WWE product:

"I love #WWE & respect the company. WWE gave me SO much-But it drives me crazy when they insult viewers by force-feeding them absurd stories. If pro wrestling wants to be taken seriously, it has 2 be presented as fun, yet logical, to the viewer. That goes 4 EVERY wrestling company. TV's advanced so much in terms of sophisticated storytelling. Wrestling hasn't &viewers see thru it.''

Dan Severn talks being banned from Brawl For All:

"When this event took place, it was announced as a meeting where they wanted all the talent to gather around and then they basically threw out the name of this event. It was gonna be called the Brawl for All and it was gonna be using these 20 ounce boxing gloves and the only two people that were not allowed to be in it was gonna be Ken Shamrock and myself. And so I didn't pay any more attention to it because I wouldn't be allowed to do it in the first place. Well several weeks into this Brawl for All taking place I happened to be in the locker room. I was just laying down using my duffle bag probably as a pillow or something like that, and I had one of the road agents that comes up and says 'hey Dan'. He said 'we've got an opportunity for you to be in the Brawl for All tonight and what do you think?' I simply said 'who's the opponent and how much?' They said 'Godfather' and they threw out a price tag, and I go 'ok done'. Now the ironic part is, once the match was done, they pulled me out and said 'we're taking you back out now'. So I don't know all the behind the scenes, there's a lot more than what meets the eye on that particular situation. Now, I did not want to wear the 20 ounce gloves, I was gonna simply going to go out there, bareknuckle bout, I was not going to throw a single punch. I wanted to just prove - well a couple points - I wanted to prove to all the Professional 'Rasslers, but then also prove to most of the people in attendance that I will not throw a single strike, and this guy can throw all the strikes he wants and I will twist him up into knots and I will submit him and never have to throw a single strike."

Backstage fight:

Brodus Clay has revealed he was once in a backstage fight with Hornswoggle, who he says is a bully...

"He's a bully, he is a bully. He is a verbal assassin. He picks, he judges... he's just a little evil guy."

Batista wants control:

Batista says he wants more creative control if he returns to WWE...

"I miss it and I love it. They need to work with me on creative stuff, man. I'd like to have more creative control, because some of this stuff... it's like they argue with you just to argue with you when they know that this is the route we should be going. Then we end up going that route anyway, but it's usually like three weeks too late."

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