Saturday, September 27, 2014

Today's News

Bound For Glory:

Samoa Joe has been cleared to go to Japan, he will wrestle a triple threat vs Low Ki and Kaz Hayashi. Tajiri & Great Muta will face James Storm and Sanada.

Also on BFG, Gail Kim has defended a Wrestle-1 official for comments that have angered many TNA fans. Jimmy Suzuki was speaking about not having a women's match at the show in Japan, and has been branded as sexist as a result, Gail Kim said...

"You're wrong about jimmy! He loves women's wrestling and respects it"

He apologised for the offense he caused.

The Rock seals another movie role:

He will star in "The Janson Directive.", based on a Robert Ludlum book.

Trish Stratus on what is missing from the women's division:

"Right now you see the girls with the girls, which is fine, but you can only do so much with the same characters. Unfortunately, they don't have super developed characters at the moment… The potential is there because there's some great workers. That's what we had at the moment things shifted for us. We had the right things."


Bill DeMott has named himself as a character on the game, NXT star Corey Graves is also in. The game may also be released for PC.

Chavo heat:

AAA stars are critical of Chavo Guerrero Jr's production of the AAA show, they say he is trying to make it a WWE show, by telling them to slow down, and it is not a true lucha style as a result.

WWE edit Punk:

WWE edited fan chants out of the WWE game roster reveal on the Network. They had Renee overdub the announcement of his name, without the crowd sound.


Former WWE star Victoria has made a Paul Heyman burger, which is on sale in her Chicago restaurant.

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