Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today's News

Brock Lesnar:

WWE have changed Brock Lesnar's contract, as a condition of him becoming champion. Instead of, as in the past, working his dates out months in advance, WWE can book him for dates at a pro rate, (Meaning they will pay him for the appearance independently of his contracted dates), when they feel he is needed to be on screen.

CM Punk vs WWE:

CM Punk has had his attorney's send a 22 page document to WWE demanding royalties and likeness rights from the promotion, for the use of his image in the upcoming WWE game. WWE have reportedly stopped paying CM his royalty and merchandise payments as punishment for reneging on his contract, but went ahead with his inclusion on the game despite his departure. In WWE's defense, 2K15 said he was instrumental to a new feature of the game, and removing him, would mean dropping that portion of the content in it's entirety, and with such a short time left before it's release, they would not have time to replace it with something new.

WWE clear up rumour:

Alan Rebhun was fired due to the financial cuts, not because of the concession problems at WrestleMania, or the theft at the WrestleMania superstore. WWE say while they did not make the same amount as at WrestleMania 29, they were happy with the $300,000 they earned at the merch stands, and that the company they used were reputable, and not suffering the threat of bankruptcy as was reported.

William Regal no shows:

William Regal cancelled a booked appearance for WWE this week due to illness. He is having issues with his voice.

Hall Of Famer in surgery today:

Mick Foley will have an operation on his back...

"It's a relatively minor procedure that I hope will produce major results - as the pain these past two weeks has just been excruciating."

WWE / Michael Sam:

WWE may have withdrawn their offer to Michael Sam for next weeks Raw, but have offered an open invite for him to attend any future events...

"Congratulations to Michael Sam on signing with the Dallas Cowboys! WWE will extend its invitation for Michael Sam to appear on any future Monday Night Raw he wishes. We offer our support for Michael as he continues his journey."

Vince Russo wants WWE to change:

48 hours after blasting this weeks Raw, in particular The Bella's, especially Nikki's acting skills, Vince Russo, former booker for the company, has written to Triple H and Vince McMahon, asking them to change direction creatively...

''Look, I'm not going to tell you what to do, or how to do it, who am I? All I'm asking is that you all ask each other—is this the best that World Wrestling Entertainment has to offer its fans? If the answer is yes, that I guess I've just over-rated you, however, I think we all know that's not the answer. I don't think any of you can walk away from that building on Monday night honestly believing that you had just put your best foot forward. I don't believe that for a second. Right now, you have an UNBELIEVABLE talent roster, up and down from first match to main event, but the writing and producing of the show is just not serving them justice. You have to know that. What happened to the work ethic and the commitment that we all shared during the Attitude Era? What happened to that passion, when we literally used to leave our own BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS on the script that we wrote. If something didn't exceed our expectations we were sick over it for days—I know I was.''

JR to MMA:

Jim Ross will pair with UFC star Chael Sonnen to announce an MMA event in Ross' home state of Oklahoma in October.

Raw script leaked:

This weeks Raw script has leaked online, and revealed that the end of the show spot between John Cena and Seth Rollins, where Cena delivered his trademarked AA through the announce table was not planned. Triple H and Chris Jericho improved some of their exchanges.

WWE Alum signs for AAA:

Maxine is set to return to wrestling. She has signed a deal to appear with the El Rey AAA Lucha Libre show.

WWE Alum lands movie role:

Tyler Reks will appear in ''Minutes After Midnight'', a movie shortlisted for the Sundance Film Festival.


Dixie Carter is likely going to be unable to make the flight to Japan for Bound For Glory, although she is hopeful of being cleared medically, following her legit injuries after the table bump, as she wants to appear.

Bully Ray is expected to go to the next TNA TV tapings, although many feel chances of him changing his mind about coming back are slim at best.

TNA are also trying to contact Alberto Del Rio about signing a deal with them, now he has freed himself of his WWE contract. They are actively trying to secure more Luchadores via contacts in Mexico, but interest in ADR is likely a move to one up WWE, by gaining what they lost, and a former World Champion to boot. 

Bobby Lashley will likely lose his title at next weeks tapings, he is not on the list of talent set to make the flight to Japan, however this may change, depending on his MMA commitments.

Brit makes it to WWE:

Former Chester City Goal Keeper Stuart Tomlinson has made it to NXT, and has been given the name Hugo Knox.

Batista reveals controversial debut gimmick plans:

Remember Deacon Batista?. Batista's debut character was aligned to Reverend D'Von (Dudley) when he first made it to the WWE roster, an always angry monster, always looking to hurt people. Batista has revealed what WWE planned to make the reason for the anger. They were going to reveal him to be a ''Rape child''. Born from a sexual assault on his Mother, by a man who then had no further contact with him, leading to him growing up Father-less. Batista said of the angle...

"That shows you how much the company has changed"

Paul London interview:

On getting bust open on a WWE show...

"I would have filed a lawsuit for their ring being in s--t condition. There was a bolt exposed on the turnbuckle of their state of the art twenty or thirty thousand dollar ring. It was on the metal twist between the pole, the ropes, and the turnbuckle itself. So I got the ol' trunks pulled into the turnbuckle and my head went right into that bolt. I needed eighteen staples in my head. That was pretty cool at the time. But it was really irritating to me also because I really wanted to run as far as we could with that because it was a natural accident. It was something that occurred that you couldn't predict. It created this sympathy without the need to try selling, it was real. The blood was mine and it was very bloody. Everything became gray, I went colorblind. I went into this weird colorblind autopilot and I just finished the match. I just remember thinking this is gold because it's real. Chavo and Kidman then double teamed me, it was in San Diego and they are booin' the s--t out of them. It was really genuine heat, probably the most I've ever been a part of.''

On wanting to fight Mark Henry in the back...

"I know fights that I wanted to happen. But it's so much hot air, it's no more than the coolest fight from high school. There's this sad misconception that they're really tough and it's just not the case. Here's a fighting story for you, I remember we were at the end of a tour overseas somewhere, it might've been a South American tour. And I remember we were in catering at the hotel, it was at night, and it was a dinner catering. I just remember everyone had to be up real early the next morning because it was the end of the tour. And I got my meal, I went through the line, and I went and sat down at a table by myself. It was fairly early and I just needed some space. I wanted to detox for a little bit from everyone. It wasn't me being rude or anything, I was just keeping to myself and being quiet. So I sit down with a full plate of food and a Coke. And I realized I forgot my silverware, so I go back, and it wasn't really a line, guys were just filing in. I went in and got some silverware. Then I turn around and I remember Mark Henry's sitting at my table helping himself to my plate and my Coke. The only thing I really remember after that was Regal kind of intercepting me, taking me outside, and said, "You have this look on your face like you're gonna kill somebody. So if you do, start with me please. I beg you to start with me." And he said, "Just calm down for a little bit." I just thought about that. I went back in and I got food and went back up to my room. It doesn't matter how big I am. But under the right circumstances or under the wrong circumstances, my animal comes out. Size isn't really an issue. Fortunately, my issue with Mark never really got to that point, but it was close. It was really just sad. A sad story, really."

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake is now out of intensive care, as he continues to recover from his medical emergency.

WrestleMania star dies:

Joan Rivers, guest ring announcer at WrestleMania 2 died today, aged 81. RIP.

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