Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today's News

Heat on Ryback:

Ryback is again in huge trouble backstage, this time for his ''reckless'' ring style. This follows the concussion he gave Dolph Ziggler at this weeks TV's. The heat is compounded by the severity of the concussion, Ziggler may miss the Rumble because early reports of the injury suggest the concussion ''Is not a mild one''. The last time Dolph suffered this injury it cost him the World title, and he feared for his future career due to the adverse effects the problem caused him. WWE say they are taking things a day at time, and that he was showing signs of improvement today, but, they have taken the decision to send him to a neuropsychologist, which cannot be a good sign. WWE also say Ryback is taking full responsibility for the botch, but this is the latest in an ever growing list of issues with Ryan Reeves, and it seems WWE's patience is growing thin.

Injury updates:

Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar are fine after their knocks on Raw, but as noted above, Dolph Ziggler may miss this months PPV because of his injury. Mark Henry will probably miss the Rumble too, but his injury is Kayfabe to sell the attacks by Brock Lesnar.

Sin Cara:

Talk coming out of WWE further suggests the original Sin Cara will be released when his contract expires in a few days. It is nor clear if WWE have talked to Luis Alvirde to offer him the chance to stay, but there has been very little, if any, movement in the situation since he lost the mask to Hunico a few weeks ago.

Brits take sabbatical:

Hannah and Holly Blossom, who are best known for their time with TNA on UK Gutcheck have announced they plan to stop wrestling for the time being, and are taking time away from the business.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The Uso's vs The Wyatt Family.

* MizTV with Big Show.

* Big Show vs Brock Lesnar is confirmed for the Royal Rumble.

* Los Matadores, Rey Mysterio, & Sin Cara vs The Real Americans & RybAxel.

* Randy Orton vs Big E. Langston.

* Daniel Bryan cut a heel promo, saying everything we believed was a lie.

* Fandango vs Xavier Woods.

* CM Punk & The New Age Outlawz vs The Shield.

Also, Hulk Hogan was reportedly backstage meeting WWE officials to finalize his WWE return, he was greeted by staff at the arena, but would not allow them to take pictures. A local TV network contacted WWE, to try to get conformation, but WWE would neither confirm or deny the reports.

Dave Meltzer says in the wrestling observer that the Hall Of Famer was not at the taping.

US sports team celebrates Daniel Bryan style:


New promotion:

Former TNA star Homicide says he heard about Jeff Jarrett's new group weeks ago, but did not say if he would be involved. There has been delays in Jarrett making the announcement because he wants to have everything in place before he tells us his plans.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles is reportedly back in talks with TNA.

Shawn Michaels:

Shawn Michaels is coming to the UK in April, on April 29, he will host an ''Evening'' in Manchester, tickets are available now.

Michael Tarver:

Michael Tarver, formerly of WWE and the Nexus has released a rap track.

WWE's big announcement:

WWE spoilt their announcement by posting it on their corporate calender, it was quickly removed. It will be about the Network and is scheduled for 21.30 tonight.

Royal Rumble:

The official theme is "We Own It" by 2Chainz.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake is unlikely to be in the Royal Rumble match after appearing on Raw this week, however, he may well be back in WWE soon, he has reportedly being locked in for Hall Of Fame induction this year, the deal was apparently done at Raw.

WWE star quits:

Kaitlyn has left WWE. She has decided not to continue her wrestling career and wants to pursue other ventures.


Matt Morgan says he is leaving wrestling to concentrate on being a Father to his new child, and has already got a new job working for a medical supply company. He confirmed he has being talking to both WWE and TNA about joining one of them, but decided against it. He did add he would like to perform the odd indy date to keep his hand in, and he felt he was in his prime, so can still go.

His baby is called Jackson, which is a pretty awesome name if I do say so myself :P

Legit heat?:

Alberto Del Rio has been using his Twitter to sell the feud between himself and Batista, however he referenced Batista's attempt at MMA fighting in one tweet, and The Animal has seemingly taken legit offence, replying...

"Seems 2 me that some C level stars in a B level star era have bought into their own hype. Don't turn a work into a shoot. realitycheck"

TNA's future hanging on TV deal?:

TNA sources are openly admitting concern over their TV deal with Spike TV. The TV network wanted TNA to hit 2 Million viewers a week during this contractual run, but their numbers have actually net fallen over the time of the deal. This paired with WWE looking for a new TV deal, and Viacom (Spike's parent company) being in the running has left TNA worried for their future, the TV deal is the main reason they have been able to continue in business during their recent financial difficulties, and losing the contract, which expires later this summer, could be devastating. They hope to agree a new deal as soon as possible, talks have not yet begun.

In better news The company have renewed and extended their TV deal in the UK and Ireland with Challenge TV. The deal will see UK fans get footage from the UK tour before the fans in America will.

Roddy Piper heat:

WWE are upset with Rowdy Roddy Piper because he had notes written on his hand during Raw, which were clearly visible on camera at some points.

Stone Cold:

Steve Austin is hoping to interview Triple H for his podcast today, if time allows.

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