Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today's News

Hall Of Fame 2014:

OK before I start, I personally think is an awful idea, and sets a really bad precedent for future Hall Of Fame years.

WWE plan to induct the main event match from WrestleMania 1 into this years Hall Of Fame. That would mean as many as 5 people would earn their second induction, namely Hulk Hogan, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Mr Wondeful Paul Orndorff, and possibly Superfly Jimmy Snuka, and AC Bob Orton too. Also Mr. T is finally ready to accept the induction he refused in 2005, or is at least in negotiations to do so as I write this.

WWE would then use this idea for future years and induct a match as well as a people, meaning some stars could earn any number of inductions, which, for me, makes a mockery of the honour and demeans it. This really frustrates me, WWE have worked really hard in recent years to try and regain some credibility for their HOF, with inductions for Sammartino, Backlund, Warrior etc, The credibility of the HOF was damaged when they started inducting celebrities, which unfortunately they do still do, and is the reason for this idea. Mr. T refused HOF induction when WWE celebrated WrestleMania 1 at the 2005 class, and they want to mark the match now he is open to discussing induction.

It really does not make sense to me to give 5 people a second induction, just to welcome one person into the HOF, they could for example have a reunion of the stars from the match, as they induct Mr. T, that would be better IMO.

Although I am in the whole against celebrity inductions, Mr. T would be the exception for me, due to the fact he was in the first Mania main event match, I think that does deserve to be acknowledged, and he is the only person in the match not recognized by HOF induction, so I would not mind seeing him join the HOF, but not like this... I hope this was just an idea being batted around, that eventually comes to nothing, like the plan to induct MSG last year, but it sounds like this may be the next HOF announcement, probably coming after Hogan officially re-signs with WWE.

What do you think of this?, could it work?, is it a way to breathe new life into the Hall Of Fame?, or do you think it is not the way forward, and would be a bad decision for the future of the HOF?.

Also on the HOF, Hulk Hogan told TMZ that the Ultimate Warrior is a deserving inductee, and that he is happy for him, also confirming their war of words in recent years is over.

And, WWE will air the show in it's entirety on the Network. Many fans have complained about the truncated version shown on the USA Network every year. WWE do still hope to sell the show to another media outlet as well, probably the USA Network.

Major WWE star to miss the Royal Rumble?:

One of the bookies favourites to win the Royal Rumble match will probably miss the event. Daniel Bryan suffered what is thought to be a serious concussion on Raw in his cage match vs Bray Wyatt, and will have to undergo a battery of tests in the next week. With the Rumble being just 11 days away, the chances of him being cleared in time are slight at best.

WWE were already set to take him out of the over the top rope match, with another favourite for the Rumble, Bray Wyatt being his opponent.

Also on the Rumble the 30 man match is now full, although 17 names are yet to be confirmed. Wade Barrett was the latest to announce his participation on SmackDown. Justin Gabriel broke the news, saying he would not be in the match.

One star that likely will be, is Evan Bourne, he is doing extra training to be ready in time. Bourne has missed most of the past two years due to injury and suspensions.

Tough Enough:

Bill DeMott has tweeted that Tough Enough will be returning as a show on the WWE Network.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The Rhodes Brothers vs The New Age Outlawz (Non Title match).

* Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio.

Note, Eva Marie was ring announcer for this match, but her audio was cut during her segment.

* Naomi vs Tamina Snuka.

Note, this match was described as very sloppy and full of botches.

* Big E. Langston vs Fandango.

Note, The Bella's were ring announcers for this one.

* The Real Americans vs The Uso's.

Note, Ring announcer was Aksana.

* CM Punk segment, he calls out the Shield, they come through the crowd, and the New Age Outlawz stand at the top of the ramp. Kane comes out and says The Authority want Punk to main event WrestleMania this year, and the heels could not attack him. Punk responds by insulting Kane, so he tells them to ''Get him'', before entering the ring himself and choke slamming Punk to end the show.

Hall Of Famer dies:

Mae Young died last night. Stephanie McMahon broke the news via her Twitter account. She was 90 years old.

WWE have released this video tribute, which will air across their TV and social media platforms for the rest of the week...

And this statement...

''From the moment she first stepped through the ropes, Young established herself as one of the most active and successful female Superstars – including becoming the first U.S. Women's Champion, carrying out one of the most storied rivalries of the time with the legendary Mildred Burke in 1954 and being among the first female competitors to tour post-war Japan. The entire WWE Universe offers a standing ovation to a true queen of the canvas and bids Mae Young a heartfelt farewell."

They later added a second tribute video, and this one is a much happier video, full of Mae at her absolute best, if you only watch one video, make it this one... 

Many stars have paid tribute via Twitter, I have posted some of their messages over on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers.

This sadly means the promised WrestleMania 40 match between Mae and Stephanie McMahon cannot happen. The McMahon's promised to grant Mae the request if she made it to 100 years old at her 90th Birthday party last year.

Goodnight Mae, thank you...

Ryback whines on:

Ryback took offense to a joke made by Jerry Lawler on Raw this week, and tweeted a dig back, referencing his former wife The Kat...

"So apparently I do not know which way an elevator goes if you gave me two guesses according to Jerry Lawler. I can tell you one thing. If I was in an elevator with The Kat it would definitely be going down. Ryback Rules

James Storm on AJ Styles:

"I don't know the situation with the contracts and all that stuff, but you know for me to see a guy that I've been here since day one with is a dark day for TNA because he did help build TNA. Anytime somebody says TNA they automatically think of AJ Styles and the incredible matches he's had while he's been here. Hopefully him and TNA can come to an agreement and he can come back pretty soon."

Kurt Angle to miss PPV:

Kurt Angle will have surgery on his knee on February 11, it will bench him for 6-8 weeks, meaning he will miss Lock Down.


Dixie Carter has announced new faces will be debuting at the Alabama block of Impact taping's.

WrestleMania 30:

Although WWE plan to induct the Mania 1 main event match, as noted above, the plans for a match between Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper are also still on the table. Piper has revealed who he wanted to be his heel partner for the match, he wanted Hogan to team with John Cena, and Piper would choose CM Punk as his partner.

That won't happen, Punk is locked in to face Triple H at Mania, and WWE have plans for him as a face going on long past Mania.

Ultimate Warrior interview:

On WrestleMania 6...

''Because of our tour schedules, [Hulk] Hogan and I only had about 45 minutes to go over the match. We met in an old barn-like place where they used to train pro wrestlers down in Tampa and walked through what we were going to do. I didn't see him again until WrestleMania.''

On his favourite match...

''I have a lot of great memories, including my match against Randy [Savage] in WrestleMania VII. A lot of people say they enjoyed that more than the Hogan match. The Hogan match had so much meaning that it's impossible not to list among my favorites, but I had all kinds of incredible matches against guys like Rick Rude and André the Giant. I had an incredible run against André all over the world, body slamming him.''

On one more match...

''The 90s version of The Ultimate Warrior, that beast? No. [Laughs] But I'm still very intense, I'm still in great shape, and the way the business is today, I think something could be arranged. But that 90s version of The Ultimate Warrior can't be done. He's my muse. I wake up every morning and I'm inspired by him, but trying to go back and bring him back 25 years later, there's just no way.''

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia has released her new music video...

Milestone hit:

AJ Lee is now the longest reigning Diva's Champion, beating the record previously held by Maryse.

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