Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today's News

WWE want retraction:

WWE have reportedly contacted the Winnipeg Sun asking them to retract the story about Chris Jericho making his WWE return at a live event in the city, they say the information is incorrect.

Hulk Hogan to WWE:

Hulk Hogan's WWE return is almost complete, the promotion actually considered unveiling him at the same time as the WWE Network launch, thinking it may gain mainstream media attention, they however ultimately decided against it, worrying that his appearance may have the opposite affect, and distract from the Network announcement. They also considered bringing him out on Raw, but Roddy Piper's tweets probably killed that. The deal is done, but Hogan is yet to put pen to paper, that is expected to happen ''Soon''.

NXT promotions:

Emma made her WWE Raw debut last night, she was standing in the crowd with a sign, WWE are going with the fan turned wrestler story line for her it seems.

Referee Shawn Bennett also debuted.

The Ultimate induction:

WWE announced the first member of the Hall Of Fame class of 2014 on Raw last night, and it was The Ultimate Warrior. They aired this tribute video...

Now I know Warrior is not everybody's favourite wrestler, he was awful in the ring, couldn't cut a promo, I know all of that, but I was a lil' Warrior when I was a boy (Got the Tat to prove it), and I am absolutely made up that Warrior is going in, and will be at Mania one more time, Well done Warrior...

Many stars past and present have paid tribute via Twitter, including WWE Chairman Vince McMahon...

"The Ultimate Warrior was the most intense, colorful, competitive and outspoken Superstar in sports entertainment history, and his contributions to WWE were extraordinary. We are thrilled to induct The Ultimate Warrior into the WWE Hall of Fame."

My favourite message was from CM Punk...

"Ultimate Warrior in the hall of fame. Overdue. Randy Savage next please."

I agree with Punk, Savage should be next, Liz too.

The Hall Of Fame induction will be on April 5.

Royal Rumble:

More names have been confirmed for the Royal Rumble match...

* Rey Mysterio.

* CM Punk.

* Goldust.

* Kofi Kingston.

* The Miz.

* Cody Rhodes.

* R-Truth

* Big E. Langston.

* Fandango.

* Xavier Woods.

They join Batista and Alberto Del Rio. 18 spots remain unaccounted for at this time.

Also two early favourites to win the Rumble match, may not even be in it, Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt is expected to be announced as a 1 on 1 match later this week, or next week on Raw.

Lock Down:

TNA have announced this years Lock Down PPV will be held at the Bank United arena in Miami.

Mr. Anderson:

TNA star Ken Anderson has become the Father to baby twins, congratulations to him and his family.

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho and his band Fozzy are to start recording a new album this Thursday.

TNA releases:

Jay Bradley and Wes Brisco have been dropped by TNA today, but new signings are expected to debut in the coming weeks.


Kaitlyn has released a video thanking fans for their support, and revealing her post wrestling career plans...


WWE insiders have brushed off Ryback's Twitter rant of the past 48 hours as ''Nuts'', also adding they wouldn't be surprised if he was released for it.

Ryback responded to this story on Wrestlng Inc, with...

"BREAKING NEWS: Ryback's Backstage Reaction to the Backstage Reaction on Ryback's Tweets: Who cares everybody Loves The Big Guy."

He also claimed the Ultimate Warrior asked him to induct him into the HOF.

Who is the richest wrestler?:

The top 10 wealthy wrestlers / former wrestlers are...

10. Mick Foley – Net Worth: $15 million
9. The Undertaker – Net Worth: $16 million
8. Shawn Michaels – Net Worth: $17 million
7. Chris Jericho – Net Worth: $18 million
6. Kurt Angle – Net Worth: $20 million
5. Big Show – Net Worth: $20 million
4. Triple H – Net Worth: $25 million
3. John Cena – Net Worth: $35 million
2. Steve Austin – Net Worth: $45 million
1. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson – Net Worth: $70 million

Piper vs WWE:

Over a year of tension between WWE Hall Of Famer Rowdy Roddy Piper and WWE only ended abut 6 weeks ago, because the promotion want him to be a part of WrestleMania 30 in some shape or form. The problems started after the taping of Legends House. WWE asked all the competitors on the reality show to sign a no appearance deal for any other wrestling or MMA promotion until, for the duration of, and for a few weeks after the run of the show. Piper refused because of the damage he felt that could do to his Son Colt's career, he was just starting out at MMA, and has since started wrestling too. Piper wanted to use his name and profile to help further Colt's career as much as possible, and obviously couldn't do that from home.

It turned out to be a good decision, because the show has been sitting on a shelf for almost 2 years, and will only now be aired, due to the long delayed Network launch finally coming.

Samoa Joe:

Samoa Joe says TNA rostered stars are a little worried about the situation right now...

"I think a little bit. I mean with guys like AJ gone, he was like the team captain. When you think of Impact Wrestling, you think of AJ Styles."

He also reiterated his frustrations with his position on the roster, saying he had been used as a strong mid carder for 3 years, and now wants to get back on top, feeling he has earned another big run before his deal ends later this year.

Roman Reigns reveals The Shield's plans for the Rumble match:

"Oh that's simple. We're all in there together. Nothing changes for us. It's business as usual. We're gonna eliminate everybody and we're going to do it with the most efficient teamwork possible. And then once we get to where it's us three we're gonna have to figure that out then. The gloves may come off or maybe we'll make a stand. Maybe we'll do something no one's ever done before. We walk out of that sucker; who knows? That's gonna have to be up to everybody to tune in and pay attention. Cause we're gonna put on a good show."

They are not confirmed for the match yet.


NXT Women's Champion Paige says she will be back at work on Monday following an injury.


The New Age Outlawz heel turn on Raw will lead to a Tag Team Title shot on tonight's SmackDown taping vs The Rhodes Brothers.

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