Friday, January 3, 2014

Today's News

Christopher Daniels on AJ leaving TNA:

"I'm not sure what his future is with TNA at this point, I'm not sure if he's done with the company, or if he's coming back, or what the situation is. But whatever happens, I've got nothing but respect for AJ. He's done a lot for this company, and if it ends up being that goes in a different direction than TNA, I wish him the best of luck as well. But, I definitely think that he's an asset to our company and there's always room, there's always a spot for him on the TNA roster and I feel like he should just do what is best for him. TNA's going to do what they think is best for TNA. I'm not sure what that is yet, so we'll find out."

Kurt Angle to WWE?:

Kurt Angle says he will make the decision on where he will end his wrestling career in eight months time, that is when his current TNA contract ends. He added that he would consider a WWE return, or to be specific, that he would never say never to one more run with the promotion.

Daniel Bryan critical of WWE:

In conversation with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Daniel Bryan said he does not like 3 hour Raw's...

"I think the biggest difference to me is the acts that are just starting to get over, they have a much harder time in that third round. Around 10:15 p.m. or 10:20 p.m., when (the fans) have already seen John Cena, CM Punk, Triple H; going out there with a cold match, people are not quite into you yet, sometimes it is really, really hard for those guys. A lot of time by the third hour, the crowd is tired."

HOF Party:

Jerry Lawler spent his New Years Eve with Hulk Hogan in Florida, Jimmy Hart was also present.

AJ Styles interview highlights:

* Even when contract talks hit problems, he never thought he would leave TNA, because he felt valuable to the promotion, due in the main part to the time he had been on the roster.

* He blamed TNA for ''Dropping the ball''.

* He questioned the decision by TNA to build a story line around him, if they were going to let him go during the angle.

* He disagreed with the decision to revert to a 4 sided ring.

* He reiterated that he would listen to offers from TNA in the future.

* He says he would go to WWE, if they made a fair offer.

* Says he is still in great shape, and ''Can go''.

* He also revealed that during a WWE try out, Triple H told him he needed to slow down, and that he is taking that advice on board.

ROH stars snubbed:

Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards will not be signed by WWE. Despite strong support from backstage officials, principally William Regal, Triple H has decided not to sign them because they want people that could headline WrestleMania in 5 years, and the two indy men were just too small. Another reason is a blown spot during a tryout match in NXT, Rick Victor dropped Richards on his head after botching a slam, Triple H ordered the match to end, and the Ref informed the wrestlers, but they continued and finished the match as originally planned, some say Triple H was not happy about being ignored, and that made his mind up against them.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

WWE will make the first announcement for this years class later this month, probably post Royal Rumble, to start to build the hype for Mania, that name is likely to be... The Ultimate Warrior. WWE insiders say it is almost certain that Warrior will have a part to play in the WrestleMania 30 festivities, and that Hall Of Fame induction is the most likely role for the former WWF Champion.

CM Punk:

WWE acknowledge CM Punk is frustrated at the moment, following a Twitter outburst recently, but do not expect him to leave, it is not the first time he has used his Twitter to vocalize backstage issues, and the promotion feel this is not a serious problem.

Plans for Punk in 2014 will see him face Triple H at Mania, and then have a big Summer story before facing Batista at SummerSlam.


WWE Technical Director Doug Getz died on December 28, he was described as very fun to be around, and would be a tough man to replace.

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker has reportedly asked for his WrestleMania 30 opponent to be Daniel Bryan. The WWE planned match for him vs Brock Lesnar is rife with problems, most notably Lesnar's ring style and The Undertaker's age and damaged body. However another issue is Lesnar's time. Something that is not widely known is that in recent years The Undertaker and his opponents have thoroughly rehearsed the bout before Mania to work around the dead man's physical limitations, Lesnar is not likely to be willing to do that, which Taker is said to be worried about.

Sheamus is also being considered as Taker's opponent.

Big Show:

The details of the nixed angle for Big Show vs The Authority have appeared online, He was to get the better of both Triple H and Randy Orton before facing Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, with Lesnar winning that match before going on to face Taker at Mania, and looking as strong as possible for that match.

Sting dig at Dixie?:

Sting tweeted that Dixie Carter ''Drove off Jeff'', this is most likely a reference to Jeff Hardy, but some see it as a thinly veiled reference to the departure of Jeff Jarrett.

Chris Benoit back on WWE TV:

WWE have confirmed that Chris Benoit matches and footage will be allowed on the WWE Network, although an advisory message will be shown before shows he is going to be included in, goes to air.


John Gaburick is running backstage within TNA. They also plan to push Ethan Carter and Rockstar Spud this year.


WWE are treating students at the PC as though they are in college, with classes on money management, how to promote themselves, media training, offering to pay for college courses and more. WWE hope this will help young stars get and have a career post WWE, and not lead to problems past stars have had regarding addiction etc.


WWE are worth $1.25 Billion, WWE say shareholder excitement over the upcoming Network is a large reason for the rise in stock.

Bobby Eaton:

Bobby Eaton was released and re-admitted to hospital over the weekend, the feeling is he was released too early. He is suffering from issues relating to Diabetes, and his heart rate is causing concern again too.


Ezekiel Jackson is having surgery on Hernia's he has picked up during training for a WWE return, he will be benched for 2 weeks.

NXT star in Rumble:

Mojo Rawley is expected to be the NXT star in the Rumble this year, WWE have high hopes, thinking he could be a future top guy in the promotion.

Bray Wyatt:

WWE are planning a big 2014 for Wyatt, and winning the Royal Rumble is said to still be a possibility.

Dean Ambrose proud of comparison:

Dean Ambrose says he is proud to be compared to Rowdy Roddy Piper...

"I don't see how you could not take that as a compliment. He was a legend and a hall of famer. He was a guy who stirred the pot and drew a good amount of money. I feel like I haven't really done anything yet. Not that I'm holding back — right now I'm just working as hard as I can in the role that I'm in. I still feel like I have a LOT of stuff in my back pocket that when the opportunity strikes … there's a lot more to me than people have seen yet."

Antonio Cesaro:

Antonio Cesaro says he was saddened by the release of his friend Chris Hero from WWE...

"It certainly was disappointing. When we signed with this company, we both knew what we were getting into. We both made each other a promise that we would work as hard as possible, whether it's as a team or singles competitors. I know he'll wind up on his feet, and he probably already is, and he'll continue wrestling all over the world."

The Rock:

The Rock is being lined up to become the Green Lantern in an upcoming super hero movie, taking over from Ryan Reynolds.

The Shield:

Roman Reigns planned face turn and split from the Shield will not be the end of the group, Mason Ryan is expected to take his place.

Hulk Hogan:

Another match proposed for Hogan at Mania is a 6 man tag, He would team with John Cena and Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt Family. WWE see this as the most likely option, as he could get around the WWE medical, by being a part of the match, without having to do much physical work during the bout.


JoJo is still employed by WWE, and is working at the PC, however WWE think Eva Marie is more likely to make it.

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