Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today's News

Angle wants WWE return:

Kurt Angle has openly admitted to wanting a return to WWE, talking to a UK newspaper, he said...

"I can't say when, not just from a personal standpoint, I don't know. My contract's up in September, I've left my options open. I'm very happy in TNA. Dixie Carter has been awesome, she's treated me very well. She's always been there for me, she's been a great boss, a great leader. But, I can't lie to myself anymore, I can't lie to TNA, I can't lie to WWE. Yeah, there is that desire to go back, I just don't know when. Could it be this year? Maybe. Could it be next year? Maybe, but I don't know yet."

He went on to list people he wants to wrestle upon returning, including Triple H, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and The Ultimate Warrior.

He also announced his food company has gone bust.

That was the plan?:

WWE say they kept Daniel Bryan out of the Royal Rumble match to incite exactly the reaction they got from fans in the arena and online, to build up a big angle for Daniel Bryan in 2014. However, Vince McMahon demanded the Raw script for last night's show be re-written. This is not a strange request, he always wants changes, but this was more of a tear it up and start again, than a tweaking of what they had, the re-writes were not done until just a couple of hours before the show. However, the source says WWE did not change the script because of the negative reaction following the Rumble, but ''In spite'' of it, hinting that they were going to go even harder on the use of Batista, Randy Orton and John Cena, than originally planned.

My question to that is, if you got the reaction you wanted, why did you need to completely change the script for Raw???.

Raw notes:

Big Show was kept off TV to sell the attack by Brock Lesnar at the Rumble.

Despite the original Sin Cara saying WWE could not use ''His'' character anymore, they did, they have also set up a new Twitter for him, because the original Sin Cara still has his account linked to their website, and continues to use the name as his own handle.

It was announced that Randy Orton would defend the WWE WHC in the Elimination Chamber next month, John Cena, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan won a 6 man tag to qualify for 3 of the other 5 spots. The original plan was to have a series of one on one qualifiers, one of which to include CM Punk, that was scrapped, and they instead will run with the Punk vs Kane story.

Alexander Rusev, who debuted at the Rumble, and his valet Lana were backstage.

WWE removed a fan sign reading ''WWE creative sucks''.

WWE Fail of the day goes to Seth Rollins...

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Jake The Snake Roberts has become the second inductee confirmed for this years WWE Hall Of Fame class, he joins The Ultimate Warrior, which should be interesting, considering their recent feud...

Here is his induction video...

Jake responded to the news with...

"The prodigal son is welcomed home. Thank you WWE & all my supporters for sticking by me. I hope all are enjoying as much as I am."

Stone Cold Steve Austin led the congratulations, telling him it was about time.

Warrior also had his say, referencing Jake's recent comments about him, as he congratulated him...

"We've all been a-holes. Now two are HOF inductees; each great yet unique in talent, each deserving. Congratulations, Jake."

WWE return tonight:

Christian will make his WWE return at tonight's SmackDown taping's.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley continues to urge WWE to change it's stance on Daniel Bryan, and added he meant no offense to Batista with yesterday's post...

"I honestly never expected the type of attention that both my tweet and my Facebook post about my displeasure with the Royal Rumble would bring. I was just expressing an opinion, and it seemed to be in line with what many of you had on your mind last night as well. The response on both Twitter and Facebook dwarfed anything I'd received in the past, and I hope WWE will recognize this unprecedented response as a sign that a little tweaking might be needed in order to save this Wrestlemania from the prospect of 75,000 people booing, turning their backs, or walking out of its main event. Last night's comments were not meant as a knock on Dave Bautista. I like and respect Dave, and am proud of what he's accomplished both inside and outside the ring. But Dave is intense, and unlikely to handle a heated 50/50 crowd with the same wink and a nod that has served John Cena so well. Besides, we're not looking at a spirited 50/50 response at Mania; we're looking at the potential of something akin to a mutiny - and I think Dave deserves better than that. On the bright side, WWE has 10 weeks to make this thing right for its loyal audience - and the potential to make this Wrestlemania the most talked about and interesting of them all. Where there's a will, there's a way. But unless Daniel Bryan is involved, that way just doesn't seem possible to this particular wrestling fan."

The World vs WWE:

Rikishi is the latest star to air negative feelings towards the WWE creative department, he was not happy with how his boys were booked at the Rumble...

"And wth are you guys @wwe doing with WWEUsos really ?? Writers suck BULLs--t"


Batista will be turned heel at some point post WrestleMania.

Royal Rumble heat:

Jamie Noble was in charge of this years Royal Rumble match, and the fact there were very few highlights, has caused some heat on him. He did not get the cast of the match together until 6pm on the night to go through the running order, and creative plans for the match, leaving very little time.

Wade Barrett and Xavier Woods lost their spots to JBL and El Torito respectively. 

Elimination Chamber:

In addition to the Chamber match, the rest of next months PPV card is expected to look like this...

* CM Punk vs. Kane

* Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

* The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

WWE try out:

This pleases me... 

Pro Wrestling NOAH star Kenta is at the WWE PC this week having a try out, arranged by William Regal. Kenta is my favourite worker, I would love to see him get a chance at WWE level.

Sin Cara:

WWE have already ''Given up'' on Hunico as Sin Cara, but they will not get rid of the character yet, as he is to appear in the Scooby Doo movie, and earns a lot in merchandise sales for them.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles says he thought he would retire with TNA...

"Yeah it is upsetting. I thought that I'd retire in TNA but you know, this is a business and sometimes things don't work out. People don't understand this is how I pay my bills and sometimes it just doesn't work out and we don't see eye to eye. There are a lot of people who left and wrestled for different companies because of their contracts."

And took a shot at ex WWE guys in TNA...

"It makes me wonder if TNA thought it would boost ratings or was it that Spike wanted TNA to have higher ratings. I know that Spike like big names of their shows, which led to Christian and Kurt Angle being signed. I blame it on ratings; they wanted to see them rather than seeing TNA grow more gradually."

WWE star re-signs:

Lilian Garcia has signed a new WWE contract today.

Cena reveals locker room rule:

"Rule number one: don't rib unless you want to be ribbed. If you prank someone, someone is going to get you back. It may not be the person you pranked, because they might not be good at pranks, but we've got our homies. We've got our wolf. We call in another prankster and he'll get you back. So, you got to respect peoples personal space and don't rib unless you want to be ribbed."

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