Monday, January 13, 2014

Today's News

Ryback Twitter rant continues:

Ryback has today tweeted that he plans to quit, had wrestled his last match and that his account is not hacked as his twitter rant continued from yesterday...

"Would like to thank the internet community for all of the support through these confusing times. Not sure where my career stands I may quit."

"Just got a call from Norm McDonald and Chubbs from Happy Gilmore. Very excited about these new projects we r working together on. Stay tuned"

"Only thing I ask from all of u the great internet community is follow me get me to a million followers and declare me your king. KingBigGuy"

"Last night at my last show the crowd chanted Ryback and Ryback Rules clap clap clap over and over. I thank you it will forever be remembered"

"I have enough I am done."

"Thank you internet for saying my account was hacked. Just finished my last match. Time to come home. Two matches in 1 night what a way 2 go"

"I cannot stand when the big guy walks into a gym and the trainers looks like most of u internet journalists. Blind leading the blind."

"Huge Thank You Ryback chant in French tonight in Montreal. Thank you guys will never forget it."

It seems he did not take well to being disciplined for injuring Dolph Ziggler, he has now cleared out his timeline, followed by adding one new message...

"New Ryback Rules. Eat Tweet Delete Repeat"

He then tweeted that he was going to part of a big meeting at Raw tonight, this is likely the talent meeting, regarding the Network launch...

"Just got to Raw big meeting going down. It is a great day cannot wait to head home. Thank you internet love me or hate me you are the best."

He deleted it soon after.


Official tease...

* What will happen when Bryan teams with Bray?

* The Viper to confront The Authority

* Who will make the next move - Big Show or Brock Lesnar?

* Will The Shield carry momentum into RAW and make another emphatic statement?

* Who's driven enough to make a name for himself in the Royal Rumble this year?

Also more entrants will be confirmed for the Royal Rumble match, and Lilian Garcia will be on the mic instead of Justin Roberts.

Hall Of Fame:

Tickets for this years Hall Of Fame ceremony go on sale this weekend, meaning WWE will likely announce the first inductee in the next week or so, to promote the event.

Samoa Joe:

Samoa Joe says he wants a bigger role in TNA's stories this year, he is one of TNA's big names who are out of contract in 2014, so this could be a test of how much the promotion want to keep him.

CNBC mock wrestling:

In a feature on the WWE Network a CNBC reporter said of wrestling fans...

"Good news for 'professional' wrestling fans: No, it's not actually real. However, now you can enjoy wrestling 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the comfort of your parents' basement."

Major changes to TNA:

TNA are looking to completely overhaul their front office, and want wrestling people in critical roles, Jeremy Borash, Taz and Bully Ray are advising and recommending people the promotion should approach.

TNA staffers have suggested the pressure is getting to Dixie Carter, she was once said to be very affable and approachable, but now lives in a world of her own and rarely speaks to anyone.

Mae Young:

The latest report on Hall Of Famer Mae Young is, she is still gravely ill, but is not ready to give up yet.

WWE TV deals:

Many ''Suitors'' are bidding for the TV rights to the WWE's TV shows, with the current holders of the rights NBC / USA Network being prepared to double the current price they pay. However some of the companies have openly criticized WWE for the Network launch. Comcast, who are bidding for the TV rights, joining DirecTV in opposing the idea of WWE having it's own channel.

Royal Rumble:

Here is the annual ''By the numbers'' Royal Rumble promo...

TNA newcomers:

Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards are expected to debut with TNA soon, possibly this Thursday. This comes after WWE decided not to sign them following a try out match on NXT.

Chris Jericho WWE return leaked?:

A newspaper in Chris Jericho's hometown of Winnipeg says he will appear on March 7 at a live show in the town.

He also announced his Royal Rumble number for this year, telling a fan on Twitter he drew number...


Obviously this was a joke, as only 30 people will compete this year.

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