Saturday, January 4, 2014

Today's News

WWE survey fans:

WWE are asking fans about their feelings towards stars past and present including Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, CM Punk, John Cena, Ric Flair, The Rock, Triple H, Steve Austin and The Ultimate Warrior. They want to know how they would feel about those stars having a future in WWE, what they should do if they return (Wrestle, manager, commentator etc), or if they should stay away.

Ultimate Warrior:

The new Ultimate Warrior DVD will be released on April 1st 2014, just in time for WrestleMania, it will feature interviews with stars from the Warrior's generation, and documentary footage with Warrior, although conformation is pending as to his involvement. The DVD is said to be a part of the HOF induction deal between the two sides, with WWE making up for the smear DVD they did on him a few years ago.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake Roberts says he was not invited to appear at Monday's Oldschool Raw. This could be taken two ways, it could be a WWE snub, and a further clue to him not being in the Rumble, or they may be keeping him off TV to maintain the surprise when / if he does appear in the Rumble match.

WWE Kicks:

WWE.Com list the 10 best kicks...

10. Kofi Kingston's Trouble In Paradise

9. Tamina Snuka's side kick

8. Trish Stratus' Chick Kick

7. Booker T's Scissor Kick

6. Hulk Hogan's Big Boot

5. Steve Austin's Stompin' a Mudhole

4. Sheamus' Brogue Kick

3. Rob Van Dam's Van Daminator

2. Randy Orton's punt

1. Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music


Al Snow is now the head agent in TNA, following the departure of Jeff Jarrett.

CM Punk responds:

CM Punk has told fans in Chicago, that booed him at the Boxing Day live event in the city, he does not care what they think. The fans were complaining about Punk missing a post Christmas show the previous year, due to knee problems.


WWE Hall Of Famer Sunny has again attacked fans that accuse her of faking her recent cancer scare...

"Really tired of the accusations that I faked cancer and surgery... It took two surgeries to get it all out, ya assholes!"

Brit returns:

NXT star Oliver Grey had his first match in almost a year last night, following an 11 month lay off with a torn ACL.

WrestleMania 30:

Rowdy Roddy Piper came up with the idea to have Hogan / Cena vs Piper and a heel partner as the main event of WrestleMania 30, to mirror the first Mania main event. This is one of several ideas WWE are working on.

WWE Top 10:

Royal Rumble Surprises...

Royal Rumble:

MVP says there is ''No chance'' he will appear in the 2014 Royal Rumble match. RVD however likely will. WWE wanted him to come back from the Rumble until Extreme Rules in April, but that is longer than the 90 day's RVD agreed to, he will though, be around through WrestleMania 30.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles will reunite with Amazing Red for a match vs The Young Bucks later this month.

Booker T:

Booker T will release part 2 of his autobiography on August 12 this year, it is entitled...

"Booker T: My Rise To Wrestling Royalty."

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