Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Today's News

Jesse Neal:

Jesse Neal wrestled in Florida for USWA last night, and followed his match with a promo that sounded to some in attendance like a retirement speech. The newly married, and soon to become a father for the first time, former TNA man said he wanted to focus on family matters.


Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards have signed one year, non exclusive TNA contracts. They can continue to wrestle on the Indy scene, as long as they inform TNA of the dates, but will not be able to work TV's, IPPV events, or shows taped for DVD release for any other promotion, during the deal.

TNA are putting out stories that Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards turned down a longer try out with WWE to join them, that is not the case, HHH turned them down after an NXT trial match.

NFL star to WWE?:

WWE have a poll on their website asking fans if an NFL star, named Richard Sherman, would make a good WWE supertsar, and users of the page have voted in the positive. Some, DDP included, have called on WWE to bring him in for a match at WrestleMania vs another NFL star named Michael Crabtree.

Royal Rumble:

The Rhodes Brothers vs The New Age Outlaws has been added to the Royal Rumble card, unfortunately (For me, at least) as the pre show match. The Tag Titles will be on the line.

Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt has been added to the card (More on this later). However a planned double duty spot, where he would return later in the Rumble match has been ruled out, they do not want to overly exert him.

Additions to the Royal Rumble include Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, Damien Sandow, Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso. 9 spots left...

Advertised, but not confirmed are Ryback, Titus O'Neill, Darren Young, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. Wade Barrett has been pulled from ads for the match.

AJ Lee vs Naomi (Diva's Title) is penciled in as an extra match, time pending.

CM Punk will be Number 1.

The pre / post show panel will be, Josh Matthews, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels.

Jim Ross:

Jim Ross is close to signing up to join Fox Sports.Com, he has already joined Fox as a columnist.

Raw notes:

Batista made his return, interrupting an Authority / Randy Orton promo, and told Orton he plans to win the Rumble and to take The WWE World Heavyweight Championship from him, or whoever has it at WrestleMania.

Daniel Bryan was tested backstage before the show after suffering a concussion on the previous weeks Raw. The injury was found to be less severe than first thought, and he was cleared to compete, so WWE have reinstated the planned match for him vs Bray Wyatt. Bryan also announced Wyatt's Followers, Harper and Rowan would be in the Rumble match, which is strange for me. I could understand having them in there to help Wyatt win, without Wyatt, they are just filler IMO.

CM Punk was made number 1 in the Rumble match as punishment for attacking Kane. I have a feeling Kane may be Number 2, I think WWE are using Kane vs Punk as a stepping stone to Punk vs HHH at Mania. Despite being #1, Punk is still my pick to win.

A tribute video was played for Mae Young and received a really disappointing response from the crowd.

As in the past, fans in the Nutter Center were admitted into the arena as much as 45 minutes late, this meant WWE had no time for a post show match.

Jimmy Wang Yang was backstage.

Mean Gene Okerlund on Mania 6:

Hall Of Famer Mean Gene Okerlund has revealed that Hulk Hogan did not want to lose the WWF Title to the Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 6 in 1990, and added he feels, he was right, based on how Warrior's title run went...

"Well, you know, I really tend to go with the feelings of the company. I was told this was gonna happen and this is the way it's gonna be. We did interviews actually before the event, not that I'm letting the cat out of the bag, I would say that Hogan was against that move at that time... and he was probably right."

He also said he had a hunch that WWE fans would be seeing Hogan ''shortly''.

Hogan's return story has now been finalised. 

The Ultimate Warrior posts strange message:

He tweeted...

"Question for former talents now "hypocrite" born-again Christians. Where do we go to find you practicing the beliefs of Christianity? Hell? One a-hole instills honor and pride, The other horror and pity, One grows wise on great stories. One reads bathroom stalls and still grovels"

This could be a reference to Jake The Snakes comments about Warrior yesterday, but I don't know for sure, however Jake feels it was about him, writing...

"My guys showed me Warrior's tweets. I was trying to be entertaining with the radio show and took things too far, like I do too often. I have no business inferring anything negative about him. I apologize. He deserves the HOF and respect for what he accomplished in the business. But let me be clear. There is no hypocrisy here. I am not preaching anything. I am sharing my recovery path to show others what is possible. So no pity, bathrooms stalls or groveling. I am doing great. I am an addict and alcoholic working every single day to repair and make the best out of the life I have left. I make mistakes, like that comment, but my recovery has been amazing. Jim does not know this Jake. Without realizing or intending to, I fired the first shot and will take Jim's response without any negativity towards him. I apologize and am putting behind me."

This is what Jake originally said...

"Like you know, what the hell man; Koko B. Ware's there [in the Hall of Fame] and I'm not? Are you serious? Geez. Warrior? Christ, man. That really hurts... but maybe they're taking in a$$holes and not great talent. I don't know."

Ken Shamrock blasts WWE:

Ken Shamrock wants to know why WWE have blacklisted him from returning to WWE, adding that he wants a chance at the WWE title...

"First of all, I want people to realize that it is hard to see all the old stars come back to Hall of Fame stuff and me not be included in all these things. I accomplished more than anyone in 2 years at WWF and I was part of one of the biggest match that started the attitude era with Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold. That match changed wrestling to what it is today. There is not a peep from anyone within WWE. I don't know why they won't give me a shot in the WWE and to challenge for the WWE title. I have reached out through many different types of media and the only thing I've heard back is that they're doing okay and don't need me. I say that if you're gonna be bringing people back from the attitude era and before that then I don't understand why you wouldn't bring me back. There seems to be a black mark against me and I don't understand it."

Personal Note, I liked Shamrock, but did he have a HOF career?, he had some good matches, and feuds, but he wasn't around long enough for me.

WWE Alum retires:

Jillian Hall says she is retired from wrestling, but added that she would like one more match against either Melina or Mickie James.

Dave Lagana:

TNA's Head Writer says he is not going anywhere, denying reports he has contacted other promotions about joining them.

WrestleMania Axxess:

WWE have released some info on this years Mania weekend festivities...

''This year's WrestleMania Axxess experience includes Superstar signings, photo opportunities, Superstar Q&A sessions, memorabilia displays, WWE Shop and much more. Check back soon for a full list of attractions!''

Thursday, April 3 — 6 p.m.-10 p.m.

Friday, April 4 — 6 p.m.-10 p.m.

Saturday, April 5
Session 1: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Session 2: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Session 3: 6 p.m.-10 p.m.

Sunday, April 6 
Session 1: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Tickets are priced at $45 - $175.

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