Friday, January 10, 2014

Today's News

New job for WWE Alum:

Ken Shamrock has joined the protection crew for rapper 50 Cent.

Kaitlyn says goodbye:

Former WWE star, and now WWE Alum, (Her profile was transferred today) Kaitlyn has written a thank you note for her fans...

"Today is the first day of my new life. There's so much to look forward to with big things on the horizon. I learned so much from my experiences with the WWE. I wouldn't change one thing about my career or anything that happened along the way. I hope all of you will continue to follow me and my new endeavors. Speaking of which... None of it would be possible without the help and extreme support of my fiancé @braunfitness. He is making things happen for me and pushing me to do great things. I can never really express my gratitude for all of it. He has built several very successful companies from the ground up and I am learning one day at a time. It's not easy being a BOSS (in every sense of the word). BUT The most important thing he has helped me realize is that this is my opportunity to do things MY way and to create something that is a reflection of me and what I Love."

She first asked for her release a few months ago, but was promised a big story if she hung around, she gave WWE the chance to make good on that promise, but the angle never happened and she has taken the decision to leave the business, bar the odd fan convention. She does not intend to wrestle on the indy scene, or for another promotion.

Personal Note, I think Kaitlyn is a huge loss for WWE, she was a really top worker, and could have gone on to have a great career, It is a shame we didn't get to see her full potential blossom.

Mick Foley:

WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley does not miss wrestling, because...

"I don't really miss it because I have these shows that fill that void. I can kind of come back any time I want to. I was just on the stage in front of 15,000 people a couple weeks ago. And honestly, it was no more gratifying than being on the stage in front of a couple hundred people in a club."

Network boost for NXT:

WWE have announced NXT will air live on the WWE Network when it launches in late February. The first broadcast will be on February 27. This may be bad news for TNA, a pre recorded episode of Impact will air at the same time as the live episode of NXT.

This means the block of taping's they recorded for the next four weeks last night will be the last episodes taped that way.


Possible injury blow for British NXT Women's Champion Paige, she was unable to compete at last night's NXT taping's, and could not defend her title as planned vs Emma. Emma cut a promo saying Paige was ill and couldn't appear, but a look back through recent events shows she actually has not appeared since a live show on November 23.

The taping's last night go through into mid / late February, so even when she is cleared, we won't be seeing her back on TV for a few weeks yet.

A message from Mae Young:

Mae Young is aware of the love and support from wrestling fans, a childhood friend of the Hall Of Famer called her to wish her well yesterday and despite being unable to talk for the duration of the conversation, when told about the messages of support from fans, and that thousands of people were pulling for her, Mae replied...

''I know''...

She is growing ever weaker, and is no longer on life support.

Hall Of Famer wanted by Police:

Double WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair has had a warrant taken out for his arrest. Police want over $30,000 of legal fees he owes his former wife, and plan to arrest and jail him until the money is paid.

The warrant was first posted last summer, and Flair has been living in Atlanta and Florida since, not wanting to go back home for fear of arrest, however he is due in court on January 24 in Carolina.

WWE Network:

The WWE Network will be free for it's first week after launch, from February 24 - March 2, 2014.

Not all positive news though, a PPV service has declared they will look at dropping WWE PPV event's when the Network launches. DirecTV say they believe WWE will be withdrawing their events from other media channels now they have their own, and that they would no longer need their services, adding that viewing figures and buyrates for WWE events have been dropping for some time anyway, and a new channel, offering the same product at a much reduced fee would further damage those figures.

WWE shot back that they have no intention of ending availability to it's events and plan to maintain the current format of selling it's shows to other channels on the PPV format. Saying they want to offer their fans an alternative.

DirecTV statement...

"Clearly we need to quickly re-evaluate the economics and viability of their business with us, as it now appears the WWE feels they do not need their PPV distributors.''

WWE response...

''To the contrary, WWE hopes to continue to be in business with our pay-per-view distributors, ultimately giving our fans the choice between the two offerings."

Vince McMahon was less conciliatory, he called TV companies planning to drop WWE ''Foolish''...

"I think it'd be foolish for them not to want to carry the pay-per-view anymore. It's found money for them."

The WWE stock price has risen since the announcement was made, so shareholders are happy about the news at least.

New DVD:

The 10 greatest factions will be featured in a new DVD to be released later this year.

Major talent meetings:

TNA boss Dixie Carter held a staff meeting this past Wednesday discussing the future of TNA, she confirmed the promotion has no home for it's TV shows from this March, but says she believes TNA and Universal can come to an agreement by then, she added that they are looking at other venues in case they cannot stay in Florida. She also called Jeff Jarrett's departure ''A business decision''.

WWE are also to hold a talent meeting, after next weeks Raw, this is to discuss the impact the Network will have on the future of WWE PPV events, and specifically how it will affect talent pay and bonuses. Vince McMahon will chair the meeting personally.


Ryback wants to form a Tag team with Brock Lesnar, saying they are very alike and would be unstoppable together...

"I believe we are very similar breeds as far as style and intensity. I think if you tagged us together, that's an unstoppable force that would never be beaten."

Heat on Batista:

He isn't back on the roster yet but Batista has turned the entire WWE roster against him in a single tweet. His response to Alberto Del Rio's jibe about his brief attempt at an MMA career...

"Seems 2 me that some C level stars in a B level star era have bought into their own hype. Don't turn a work into a shoot. realitycheck"

... Has been taken extremely badly by the locker room, one source saying he ''Buried the entire locker room in a single tweet'' while another compared the comment to the time Triple H said the Undertaker was the only man in WWE that had a right to share a ring with him.

Batista has now deleted the offending comment.

Booker T:

Booker T has announced his promotion Reality Of Wrestling has landed a TV deal, with Kube in Houston, Texas.


Naomi is recording her debut music video today, Natalya is also on the shoot.

Injury update:

Dolph Ziggler has had his test results back and is operating within acceptable levels following his concussion earlier this week. He has undergone an Impact test, which he came through fine, and is feeling much better than he did the first time he suffered this injury. WWE are still being extra cautious however, they have told him to continue to rest, before they test him again. If that test shows continued improvement, he will be allowed to start light training. He will then have to take on exertion training before being allowed to start in ring training, so it is going to be very tight for him to be cleared in time for the Rumble.

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